
Which contains much babbling about Attolia.

Today I finished re-reading Queen of Attolia. I still have no idea what kind of picture to draw for them. T_T Why do all of their best scenes occur when Gen is HURT? It's so annoying! I would fail miserably at drawing hurt people! Gah! *rantrantrave*

Umm... after that, I... What on earth did I do all morning? Oh, I watched some of Howl's Moving Castle. Only up to the green slime. Beyond that I have a hard time bearing it. It's just so... different from the book. Completely different. :X Also Miyazaki clearly despises war with all his heart. Oh well. At least it's pretty and Howl is still funny. (Though I wish I hadn't seen it in English first. I keep getting the English voices in my head, especially Calcifer's.) Gen reminds me of Howl sometimes. "My insides may become my outsides..." xD

In the afternoon I went to my sisters' soccer game. They won. It was cold. I started drawing a Lolita girl before the game and added to it during. Also I started shading that one picture of Midna... currently trying to figure out if her hair or her skin should get a darker tone. Will have to re-beat Ganondorf AGAIN to try to do the details on the crown... again... Then there was a potluck. Delicious. Then we came home; everyone but me watched The Office and I came on the internet. Sakeko and Snuffles were on! But then Snuffles disappeared without alerting me. XD Then later I ran off, ate popcorn, and watched a bit of Office until Michael got too painful (didn't take long!). Following that I went downstairs to start a new TP file. Again. Eheheh. I'm trying to do a "speed run." Either that or I'm trying to do a "three-heart challenge." Either that or I'm just trying to validate replaying it by calling it something special. Take your pick.

...I want to write something for them, or I want to draw something for them. The dancing scene... perhaps... mrrrrr. Marglebop. That's my new random noise.

Would you like me to teach you a game? It's called Bop-Bop-Biddily-Bop.
Everyone stands in a circle, but there's one person in the middle. That one person meanders about, and, at random, he/she goes up to someone and says "Bop-Bop-Biddily-Bop!" Before he/she finishes, the person he/she went up to has to say "Bop!" in return. If that person doesn't manage, that person is now in the middle and the first person is part of the circle.

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