
Psychosomatic, it's gotta be.

First day of school and I'm queasy. Probably just nervous. I have no idea how I'm going to find my classes. I mean it. No clue. Yikes. But if I really were sick, I'd miss the first day of school... again. After missing it ninth grade and eleventh grade. (Ninth grade may have been psychosomatic too, but if it was, then I gave myself a FEVER with worrying. Eleventh grade was, of course, so that my classes could be told what to expect with Billy.)

In any case, it has taken me an hour to get fully ready this morning. If I want to walk it needs to be half an hour, so I'm here to (a) kill time until it's time to go and (b) list things to speed it up.
  • No green tea! Takes too long to boil water, wait for steeping, drink slowly because of heat.
  • Eat breakfast in car on way home. What to bring?
  • Have everything gathered. (I had to go looking for my flute.)
  • Rush! (simple solution)
  • Really. Have everything gathered, not just most of it.
  • Like, in the backpack, all that's needed is to grab it. (I say this thrice because I have a horrible habit of saying "good enough" in situations like that.)
  • Pick out clothes night before. (This won't fix today because I'd already decided, but it will help. Incidentally, I'm wearing my new, VERY scene-ish Cheshire-Cat-and-metallic-rainbow-rainbow-lightning shirt, dark blue jeans and denim vest, studded belt, and my new high-top canvas sneakers.)
That might be good. The main time-waster was breakfast--I eat SO SLOWLY. And the ocha really didn't help because of the reasons I listed. So I'll have to start leaving ocha for night-time. Maybe Mom'll let me drink it with dinner? (Oh hey sweet. There's a new "remove formatting" button. That could be useful.) Or if I could have my sisters or brother start preparing it while I'm on my way home... *daydreams* Not that hard... just drop a sippy-cup's worth of water into the kettle and set at around 5... hrm... Z has agreed to do so. Hurray! We'll try that tomorrow.

I still need to figure out what I'll eat. Maybe an un-toasted bagel with cream cheese? Graham crackers with peanut butter (or cream cheese--don't look at me like that, it's delicious! Like cheesecake.)? A power bar! No thank you. I'll figure something out.
It's 7:04; my sisters aren't even up yet. (They probably should be. Z is up.) Eventually they'll get up and (time permitting) kick me off. In any case I may as well start my neopet dailies.

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