
Dear World,

It is fun to be alive.
I want to try to describe the feeling I often get when I walk by the Cathedral of Learning. It is joy. Absolute, pure joy. The feeling that I love life. Love being alive. Love existing. Love being me. It's a slightly floaty feeling in my upper chest and a bit in the front of my shoulders. My shoulders because I usually have the urge to throw my hands into the air. When I'm walking around, I like to kick up the fallen leaves. It's childish. It's fun.
Life is fun.
I don't know why the Cathedral--I swear, it's the Cathedral that makes me feel that way, every time I pass it walking recreationally--brings about this feeling. Just, whenever I walk by, I feel like I love being alive. What's so fun about life? Walking, listening to music, being with my thoughts. Living! Being alive! I don't know how to describe it any better than that, and I don't know why it happens. The Cathedral gives off happy vibes. I just feel so glad to be experiencing life.
This is incoherent because I don't understand it and can't express it well.
Today walking back from lit class (which is, by the way, in the Cathedral), I realized it wasn't that cold, and the two songs I listened to on the way home both had perfect walking tempo, so I really enjoyed the walk home and instead of staying in my room on my computer, I decided to go for a completely random walk. I walked past the Cathedral--got the happy I-love-life feeling--and down Forbes for a little while, then turned on some random street to go to Fifth and come home. What I mean is that it's fun to be alive! I sound like a dork. I know this. A dork or (worse? xD) an optimist, but it's fun to be alive.

I am making no sense and repeating myself.
But it's all true.


Bowls of Quizzes!

I participated in my first Quiz Bowl meet toda~y. It was fun! I answered many questions. I think the most on our team (our team being the freshman team). Including~!!! One about Link. Yes, Link! From Zelda. XDD <3 In fact I basically answered it from the first clue. (I listened to the second for confirmation, so not really. Don't pay attention to me.)
I'm surprised I answered so very many questions, though! Usually at practice I can't answer many. Of course playing nine packets in a row means I answer more questions. nGa, ne. I swear I answered a higher percentage per packet.
But all the bonuses we got were evil. Srsly.