
Novel (n): a short story with padding.

I accidentally closed this tab and my entry disappeared.

I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year, yes I'm insane, hopefully I won't procrastinate.

Yesterday (and the day before? I forget) my sisters were on the computers and I didn't get a chance to write.
And I don't really feel like writing right now. Sorry.

EDIT: Riiiight, it saves drafts! Here.
Yes, that's right--I'm going to attempt NaNoWriMo this year.
We'll see how that works. If I suddenly stop posting in November, you'll know what I'm doing.

If I suddenly start posting a lot more babbling, you'll know what I SHOULD be doing.

That was the most exciting thing that happened today. I spent an inordinate amount of time in the library which is cold.

OH. Right. I haven't made it on here the past two days because C&T have been on the computers.
Yesterday there was a carnival-type thing at school.

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