Yesterday I went to see The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged). It was quite funny. We got home at 10:30. That is why there was no journal entry yesterday.
Today, again, I spent much of my time working on the TP fanfiction. I think I mentioned--though maybe I didn't--that it decided to expand without my permission. Not that that really matters, a I am still making my way through the first section. It is very difficult to make a conversation sound natural when you are equally concerned with including a set number of ideas. Oh! And geez! It's so hard to get a characterization set for Anachron. Link doesn't speak! Ever! I read today that he said two lines in a game once. This was a very old game. They stopped that.
(Incidentally, the wikipedia article poo-pooed the fact that Link spoke in a manga adaptation or something. This is ridiculous. Obviously Link speaks--we simply aren't told what he says. Otherwise no one would ever know his name.)
Oh, by the way, this contains funnies:
I was there because the site also had a fantasy name generator, which I needed desperately for the god of the Twilight that I'm going to need later, except that I'm pretty sure Midna said godS, so that's an issue. In any case creating one and developing characterization for three is enough of a headache. They get one god.
So, I'll let you read some more of my fanfic. Yes, it contains spoilers.
Resuming where I left off--
Of course he couldn't imagine this Midna rolling her eyes; he was remarkably unadjusted to this version of her, to the point that seeing her was still a shock. The contours of her face were severe and her eyes almost unbearabling discerning. But despite those disconcerting qualities--because of them?--this Midna had an inhuman beauty that stole Anachron's breath every time. All he could do for a few moments was stare in wonder, and when he found his voice again, he could only stutter, "M-Midna... How in the world..."
"Which world?" she asked teasingly.
"Either," Anachron replied, too mystified to take part in the joke. "Yours or mine. Midna, this is incredible..."
Though the image was tiny, limited by the dimensions of the Master Sword, somehow it wrapped around Anachron's mind like a vision, and Anachron felt as if he were standing near Midna having a normal conversation, rather than staring into a sword.
"Isn't it amazing?" Midna nodded. "I never would have imagined that a Sol could do this... But the god of Twilight whispered hints to me in a dream... It's twilight there, isn't it?"
Anachron nodded.
"That's the only time this'll work... which means we don't have a lot of time left tonight." She raised her eyebrows pointedly. "Was it really that hard to figure out?"
"I didn't know what I was looking for," Anachron defended himself. "I thought that maybe--"
"That maybe I was there?" Midna asked shrewdly. She shook her head. "That's impossible. With the Mirror of Twilight broken, there shouldn't be any possibility of contact between my world and yours. This is highly irregular--What?"
The remnants of Anachron's bitterness had surfaced when Midna mentioned the Mirror, and it must have shown on his face.
"You knew all that, of course, when you broke the Mirror," he said evenly.
"Naturally," Midna answered, obviously not sure what Anachron was getting at. "That was the point. Light and Shadow aren't supposed to--"
"So when you said, 'See you later'?"
He saw her comprehend, saw her expression shift.
"We see each other right now, don't we?" she asked evasively.
"You had no idea we could do this. You just said that, Midna."
Finally, for the first time in Anachron's experience, Midna had no response ready.
Bitterness laced through Anachron's voice. "You only said that to deceive me."
Midna sighed. "Yes," she admitted. "I did. I didn't want you to to realize what I was doing." She looked dejectedly at Anachron. "You're angry at me."
"Your parting words to me--your last words to me, as we both thought--were a lie, Midna! What did you expect?"
"I expected it not to matter." Midna looked away from him. "I never expected anything like this to happen, Anachron, and I couldn't have interference. If I hadn't broken the Mirror, the conection would have brought chaos to both worlds. It was the only way."
"You could have said that," Anachron protested. "If you'd said as much, if you'd explained rather than misleading me, I would have accepted it with--less trouble, at least. But I can't help but resent that you tried to fool me!"
"You weren't the only one I had to fool, Anachron!" She turned towards hims suddenly, her eyes flashing.
Anachron didn't understand. "Then who--Princess Zelda?"
"Don't be ridiculous. Why should it matter to her?"
"Then..." There was only one possibility left, but it didn't make any sense. "You had to fool yourself?"
"Yes. I did." The fire seeped out of Midna's eyes and she gave a weak, unconvincing chuckle. "What? Did you think the Mirror could only be shattered by my tears?"
That's a good stopping point. I've got a bit more written but I haven't finished off the night yet. Also it's nearly 10:30 here. Good night.
Which contains far too much babbling and stream-of-consciousness.
Anachron says that he likes his liver, thank you very much.
Today I did a lot of relaxing. I wrote a bit more of the TP fanfiction, but it's trying to expand itself, and the problem with Prometheus is that he made the gods very, very angry, and I'm not entirely sure what Hylian goddesses do when ticked off. Also I'm not entirely sure what this fire would be. But I think it's undeniable that they need some... Midna and, strangely, Zant excluded.
Also! A Shonen Jump came! This is strange, because I have not received a Shonen Jump for three months, and no one in my family has switched the address on the website. But it came, addressed--not a "notify sender of address change" sticker, but the address printed on the plastic--to our new house. So odd. And it contained Itachi and the Akatsuki! Itachi is really rather pretty. @_@ My goodness. It was shocking to actually see Itachi and the Akatsuki in something I own, rather than in peoples' signatures. How odd.
I also mowed the lawn. That was not a lot of fun.
Also! A Shonen Jump came! This is strange, because I have not received a Shonen Jump for three months, and no one in my family has switched the address on the website. But it came, addressed--not a "notify sender of address change" sticker, but the address printed on the plastic--to our new house. So odd. And it contained Itachi and the Akatsuki! Itachi is really rather pretty. @_@ My goodness. It was shocking to actually see Itachi and the Akatsuki in something I own, rather than in peoples' signatures. How odd.
I also mowed the lawn. That was not a lot of fun.
Contains: dreams; LoZ:TP spoilers&sap
(This is 7/27 entry #2. See below for explanation.) I almost forgot--I had really odd dreams last night.
One of them was vaguely based on that Halloween movie, Hocus-Pocus (great movie. xD). At least, there were three witches who wanted to kill people to remain young. But they were at my house. Which was unfortunate. Oh, and it wasn't Halloween. It was quite creepy, but then the movie ended with them dying because there were these orbs--I called them paintballs, but I've never... seen a paintball, so I don't know where I got that from--crazy dream logic--and those "paintballs" contained their souls, and at 9:00 A.M. light shone on them and made the witches explode. And then, I think, we went shopping.
Yeah. That was weird.
The other dream that I remember was much nicer. I dreamt that when the N.'s came back to get J.-the-younger's hat, they stayed for like, another day. That was lovely. But my brain was a little screwed up... In my dream, they "stayed till Sunday"... that was Sunday. Oh well. It was nice. And then a whole bunch of people from California showed up. It was a very odd dream, all in all. But odd in a very nice way.
Okay. So here's the fanfiction.
It takes a few months after the end of the game (totally wanted to say "series" there. oO)
It grows out of my frustration with Midna at the end of the game, since I could totally tell that Midna and Link or Anachron or whatever liked each other by the end of the game. (She's hanging off his shoulder like that one Celebrity Date on Gaia! The glitzy one!) And then she's just like "See you later... but not really." (She doesn't actually say "but not really." She just acts that way.) And besides, I think Link--and if not Link, at least Anachron!--is rather irritated with her whole attitude there. But hopefully that will come in later.
Babbling aside.
Here we go. Oh, and I say Anachron because I have a sneaky suspicion that this is quite バカッテ。(If you're really interested, that's a word that combines the Japanese word for "stupid" with that for "selfish." It's a lovely word to use to degrade my less canon-based fanfition. I made it up. It is precious to me.)
Anachron sat, his feet dangling over the ladder to his loft, and watched as the light from the window gradually turned the white pages of his book a dirty yellow. Dusk had come--twilight.
For a few days after everything had ended, twilight had been a hopeful time for him. Rusl had once said that then and only then could spirits who had left this world contact the people here. Anachron had believed that--or wanted to believe that--for a short time, and he'd waited and watched for some sort of sign.
But it was a fairy tale, and it hardly suited the chosen hero to believe such a thing. So twilight had instead become a time of resentment for him.
Not that he missed the dim, dirty light of Twilight over Hyrule, or the grit of unholy insects between his beast jaws, or the feeling that everything--scenery and souls alike--was slowing disintigrating. There was only thing he missed about Twilight; that was its Princess, and the feeling did not come without bitterness.
Anachron closed the book and dropped down a level to put it back on his shelf. It had been difficult, ever since he'd returned to Ordon Village, for him to focus on any one thing for long. Feeling duty-bound, he'd gone back to helping [needtocheckthisguy'sname] at the ranch, but herding goats was laughably tame compared to outriding Bulbins.
Not that he had any real desire to go adventuring again. Once or twice, he'd thought about taking Epona and visiting the people he'd met on his journey, but he could never work up the motivation. The Master Sword lay, unused, by his bed. It was as if saving the world had bled dry his life's supply of excitement. Anachron wondered if it were possible for apathy to drive a man mad.
"H--Hello? Anachron?"
Aha. Apparently it was possible, because he'd just thought he heard Midna's voice.
Of course, he woudl only be truly mad if he answered.
"Anachron?--Isn't this working?--Anachron, can you hear me?"
It popped out of him instinctively.
Oh, well. If he was mad, he was mad, and at least it was a pleasant sort of madness.
"I can hear you Midna, but where...?" Out of habit, he turned his head, as if he were in wolf form and she were on his back.
"Where's my voice coming from?" Midna's voice finished his question. "Not the inside of your head, if that's what you're wondering. Other than that, I think I'll let you figure it out." And she gave a giggle that Anachron recognized very well.
That was the real Midna, all right.
Anachron scanned his home, peering carefully into the shadows cast by the dying light. He checked his own shadow. He climbed up to look out the window.
He didn't see Midna anywhere.
"It's very dark in here," Midna said in a voice that suggested that her words were a hint.
So Anachron checked his cupboards and his chests. He grabbed a lantern and swung it around in his cellar. Still no sign of Midna.
Finally Midna gave a sigh. Anachron could imagine her--the impish her, that is, not the graceful being he'd seen after Ganondorf's defeat--rolling her eyes. "Think, Anachron," she instructed. "What do you own that might possibly be connected to the Twilight Realm?"
...Was she talking about the Master Sword? Nonplussed, Anachron looked toward the sword; he saw nothing unusual about it. But it was sheathed--could that be why she'd said it was "dark in here"?
Anachron reached for the sword and unsheathed it, and what he saw made him blink in amazement.
First of all, the blade was glittering as it did in the Twilight Realm. This should have been bizarre enough in itself, but it was nothing compared to what Anachron saw in the blade.
Where he should have seen his reflection, he saw an image--the image of a room made of stones and laced with gleaming lines of aquamarine--so obviously a room from the Twilight Realm--and sitting in that room, smiling at him--
"Hello, Anachron."
--was Midna.
One of them was vaguely based on that Halloween movie, Hocus-Pocus (great movie. xD). At least, there were three witches who wanted to kill people to remain young. But they were at my house. Which was unfortunate. Oh, and it wasn't Halloween. It was quite creepy, but then the movie ended with them dying because there were these orbs--I called them paintballs, but I've never... seen a paintball, so I don't know where I got that from--crazy dream logic--and those "paintballs" contained their souls, and at 9:00 A.M. light shone on them and made the witches explode. And then, I think, we went shopping.
Yeah. That was weird.
The other dream that I remember was much nicer. I dreamt that when the N.'s came back to get J.-the-younger's hat, they stayed for like, another day. That was lovely. But my brain was a little screwed up... In my dream, they "stayed till Sunday"... that was Sunday. Oh well. It was nice. And then a whole bunch of people from California showed up. It was a very odd dream, all in all. But odd in a very nice way.
Okay. So here's the fanfiction.
It takes a few months after the end of the game (totally wanted to say "series" there. oO)
It grows out of my frustration with Midna at the end of the game, since I could totally tell that Midna and Link or Anachron or whatever liked each other by the end of the game. (She's hanging off his shoulder like that one Celebrity Date on Gaia! The glitzy one!) And then she's just like "See you later... but not really." (She doesn't actually say "but not really." She just acts that way.) And besides, I think Link--and if not Link, at least Anachron!--is rather irritated with her whole attitude there. But hopefully that will come in later.
Babbling aside.
Here we go. Oh, and I say Anachron because I have a sneaky suspicion that this is quite バカッテ。(If you're really interested, that's a word that combines the Japanese word for "stupid" with that for "selfish." It's a lovely word to use to degrade my less canon-based fanfition. I made it up. It is precious to me.)
Anachron sat, his feet dangling over the ladder to his loft, and watched as the light from the window gradually turned the white pages of his book a dirty yellow. Dusk had come--twilight.
For a few days after everything had ended, twilight had been a hopeful time for him. Rusl had once said that then and only then could spirits who had left this world contact the people here. Anachron had believed that--or wanted to believe that--for a short time, and he'd waited and watched for some sort of sign.
But it was a fairy tale, and it hardly suited the chosen hero to believe such a thing. So twilight had instead become a time of resentment for him.
Not that he missed the dim, dirty light of Twilight over Hyrule, or the grit of unholy insects between his beast jaws, or the feeling that everything--scenery and souls alike--was slowing disintigrating. There was only thing he missed about Twilight; that was its Princess, and the feeling did not come without bitterness.
Anachron closed the book and dropped down a level to put it back on his shelf. It had been difficult, ever since he'd returned to Ordon Village, for him to focus on any one thing for long. Feeling duty-bound, he'd gone back to helping [needtocheckthisguy'sname] at the ranch, but herding goats was laughably tame compared to outriding Bulbins.
Not that he had any real desire to go adventuring again. Once or twice, he'd thought about taking Epona and visiting the people he'd met on his journey, but he could never work up the motivation. The Master Sword lay, unused, by his bed. It was as if saving the world had bled dry his life's supply of excitement. Anachron wondered if it were possible for apathy to drive a man mad.
"H--Hello? Anachron?"
Aha. Apparently it was possible, because he'd just thought he heard Midna's voice.
Of course, he woudl only be truly mad if he answered.
"Anachron?--Isn't this working?--Anachron, can you hear me?"
It popped out of him instinctively.
Oh, well. If he was mad, he was mad, and at least it was a pleasant sort of madness.
"I can hear you Midna, but where...?" Out of habit, he turned his head, as if he were in wolf form and she were on his back.
"Where's my voice coming from?" Midna's voice finished his question. "Not the inside of your head, if that's what you're wondering. Other than that, I think I'll let you figure it out." And she gave a giggle that Anachron recognized very well.
That was the real Midna, all right.
Anachron scanned his home, peering carefully into the shadows cast by the dying light. He checked his own shadow. He climbed up to look out the window.
He didn't see Midna anywhere.
"It's very dark in here," Midna said in a voice that suggested that her words were a hint.
So Anachron checked his cupboards and his chests. He grabbed a lantern and swung it around in his cellar. Still no sign of Midna.
Finally Midna gave a sigh. Anachron could imagine her--the impish her, that is, not the graceful being he'd seen after Ganondorf's defeat--rolling her eyes. "Think, Anachron," she instructed. "What do you own that might possibly be connected to the Twilight Realm?"
...Was she talking about the Master Sword? Nonplussed, Anachron looked toward the sword; he saw nothing unusual about it. But it was sheathed--could that be why she'd said it was "dark in here"?
Anachron reached for the sword and unsheathed it, and what he saw made him blink in amazement.
First of all, the blade was glittering as it did in the Twilight Realm. This should have been bizarre enough in itself, but it was nothing compared to what Anachron saw in the blade.
Where he should have seen his reflection, he saw an image--the image of a room made of stones and laced with gleaming lines of aquamarine--so obviously a room from the Twilight Realm--and sitting in that room, smiling at him--
"Hello, Anachron."
--was Midna.
There is a problem.
The problem is that this is my fifty-eighth journal entry. For that reason I think I shall split this entry into two. I apologize for the fact that that's probably a little obnoxious.
However, today I fixed a problem! The problem had to do with my desire to write a Twilight Princess fanfiction. I will now be able to write that fanfiction! It's not what I had originally planned, but that's okay because what I had originally planned was pretty nonsensical. This is a bit more sane. I think. Maybe. If you squint hard enough.
I spent a lot of time thinking about and planning that today. Oh, and I also read Count Karlstein. Not sure on the spelling there, but I'm too lazy to go check.
To flesh out this entry, have some freaking amazing music.
It's from the battle with the king--the guy who calls himself the king of Twilight. So, obviously, it contains spoilers for late in the Twilight Princess game, but if you minimize it you don't even have to see what's going on. The music is amazing.
Enjoy. That little bit at the beginning isn't as much fun, so try to start at about :25. And then at around 5:50 it goes into a cutscene, so you don't have to listen to that either. It's just the battle that's amazing.
Also that's the Wii version, so it's all backwards. Pssh.
Entry the fifty-ninth will be what I have of the fanfiction so far. It will contain spoilers for the entire game. I don't know why I'm saying this here, because it'll be above this... hmm... maybe I'll switch the two around... No... this is fine.
(I babble.)
However, today I fixed a problem! The problem had to do with my desire to write a Twilight Princess fanfiction. I will now be able to write that fanfiction! It's not what I had originally planned, but that's okay because what I had originally planned was pretty nonsensical. This is a bit more sane. I think. Maybe. If you squint hard enough.
I spent a lot of time thinking about and planning that today. Oh, and I also read Count Karlstein. Not sure on the spelling there, but I'm too lazy to go check.
To flesh out this entry, have some freaking amazing music.
It's from the battle with the king--the guy who calls himself the king of Twilight. So, obviously, it contains spoilers for late in the Twilight Princess game, but if you minimize it you don't even have to see what's going on. The music is amazing.
Enjoy. That little bit at the beginning isn't as much fun, so try to start at about :25. And then at around 5:50 it goes into a cutscene, so you don't have to listen to that either. It's just the battle that's amazing.
Also that's the Wii version, so it's all backwards. Pssh.
Entry the fifty-ninth will be what I have of the fanfiction so far. It will contain spoilers for the entire game. I don't know why I'm saying this here, because it'll be above this... hmm... maybe I'll switch the two around... No... this is fine.
(I babble.)
Twilight Princess,
Zant battle music
My excuse died.
My excuse to get back in was that I'm the hero of Twilight too. But I've already done them a great service, besides beating Zant.
I made their princess much less annoying. XD
This realization is broctued (don't ask) by the fact that I started a new file on Twilight Princess to replay the game. This time I am called BLAH. This is my general Zelda name, but I had completely forgotten when I started my Anachron file. But that's okay, because it was nice having a serious-sounding name. It sounds just a little ridiculous when the light spirit calls me Heroic BLAH.
Other than that.
I am slowly losing interest/patience with Project: PLAY EVERY NOTE OF "DON'T WANT YOU NO MORE"!!!1!!111one!. Still I adore the song, and I have most of the notes now. All that remains is to play adnauseum infinitum until my fingers know all of it. Haha. Boredom with practicing is why I gave up piano in the first place...
Today, my sisters were supposed to leave for California, but due to a mix-up, one ticket was for today and the other for tomorrow... so they're leaving tomorrow, and today we went to a Mexican place for dinner. It was yummy.
And we watched Rat Race. I can do anything, I'm eccentric!
I made their princess much less annoying. XD
This realization is broctued (don't ask) by the fact that I started a new file on Twilight Princess to replay the game. This time I am called BLAH. This is my general Zelda name, but I had completely forgotten when I started my Anachron file. But that's okay, because it was nice having a serious-sounding name. It sounds just a little ridiculous when the light spirit calls me Heroic BLAH.
Other than that.
I am slowly losing interest/patience with Project: PLAY EVERY NOTE OF "DON'T WANT YOU NO MORE"!!!1!!111one!. Still I adore the song, and I have most of the notes now. All that remains is to play ad
Today, my sisters were supposed to leave for California, but due to a mix-up, one ticket was for today and the other for tomorrow... so they're leaving tomorrow, and today we went to a Mexican place for dinner. It was yummy.
And we watched Rat Race. I can do anything, I'm eccentric!
Let's see... today...
I finished reading Out of the Silent Planet. After that I hung around because my plans for the day involved working out more of "Don't want you no More" which could not be done until my sisters woke up (the keyboard is in the basement, where they sleep), and T. did not wake up until after 10. But at that point, I went down and worked on that for... goodness, must have been an hour or more. Anyway, I got the background bits through like... I don't remember. Oh wait! I do! Through :55, and that's the violin-trombone duet, so I have that part already. I think the rest might be easier... The cello bits from :21 to :55 were insane! DX But that's over now. Really I think the rest will be simpler. I know, famous last words.
Oh! I've started to draw a picture of Cody. *nod* From a photo that J. took while she was here~ But it's annoying doing all those tiny strokes for his fur. Haha.
それ以外~ (Other than that), FastWeb sent me this notice about a writing scholarship, so I spent a little while trying to coax Mel into a science fiction-y plot.
We had delicious salmon for dinner.
Oh! My gosh!
I had every intention of working on OO this morning, but Dad was doing something with the computer. DX
Oh! I've started to draw a picture of Cody. *nod* From a photo that J. took while she was here~ But it's annoying doing all those tiny strokes for his fur. Haha.
それ以外~ (Other than that), FastWeb sent me this notice about a writing scholarship, so I spent a little while trying to coax Mel into a science fiction-y plot.
We had delicious salmon for dinner.
Oh! My gosh!
I had every intention of working on OO this morning, but Dad was doing something with the computer. DX
Rather than a pleasant and informative entry...
chronicling what I did today this past week (sorry about that), you get some angsting because I just attempted to play my flute.
You have no idea how frustrating it is. I cannot play with my lower jaw back. I can't. Nothing comes out. And when something does come out, I usually find that--whoops!--my lower jaw has decided that it needs to be in front. IT DOES NOT. IT IS FOOLING ITSELF. Perhaps it thinks it is fooling me as well, but it is WRONG about that.
Fortunately Mom was away while I was attempting. Yes, this is fortunate. She feels the need to encourage me. NO, it did not sound good. NO, I am not getting better. And she's always always bugging me to practice. Look, if I show an unwillingness to try it's because I'm FREAKING TIRED OF FAILING. I used to be able to do this. This isn't fair. If I'm using the correct embouchure now, why isn't playing EASIER?! That doesn't make SENSE!
If it weren't for the fact that my parents got me a new, shiny, expensive flute two Christmases ago, I would have given up already. Dangit. "He said, 'If she wants to go professional, this flute will not hold her back,'" my dad told me. Where did you get the feeling I wanted to go professional? I don't. It's a hobby. It's a fun hobby, but I'm simply not that good. All right?! I'm thoroughly mediocre. Thoroughly. Just good enough to stumble along in flute choir. (This is just as frustrating as my parents' persistant habit of getting me drawing stuff for stocking stuffers/small birthday presents. Look, I like to draw, but I have no intention whatsoever of going professional with that, either. I don't use pens like that and am not motivated to try.)
Whenever Iplay try to play, I am reminded of what my new worst fear is: that my upper jaw will recede. If you think that's a ridiculous "worst fear," that's probably because you didn't wear a headgear screwed into your head for a few summers.
But of course you don't think that's a ridiculous fear; this blog is only seen by my friends, who will understand-kureru.
I took a little break and feel a little better now. Don't feel like describing what I've been doing though, so I'll just tell you that today I figured out the TP song "Don't want you no More" in almost-entirety. It is incredibly fun to play, besides being a beautiful song. Yesyes, lessthan3.
You have no idea how frustrating it is. I cannot play with my lower jaw back. I can't. Nothing comes out. And when something does come out, I usually find that--whoops!--my lower jaw has decided that it needs to be in front. IT DOES NOT. IT IS FOOLING ITSELF. Perhaps it thinks it is fooling me as well, but it is WRONG about that.
Fortunately Mom was away while I was attempting. Yes, this is fortunate. She feels the need to encourage me. NO, it did not sound good. NO, I am not getting better. And she's always always bugging me to practice. Look, if I show an unwillingness to try it's because I'm FREAKING TIRED OF FAILING. I used to be able to do this. This isn't fair. If I'm using the correct embouchure now, why isn't playing EASIER?! That doesn't make SENSE!
If it weren't for the fact that my parents got me a new, shiny, expensive flute two Christmases ago, I would have given up already. Dangit. "He said, 'If she wants to go professional, this flute will not hold her back,'" my dad told me. Where did you get the feeling I wanted to go professional? I don't. It's a hobby. It's a fun hobby, but I'm simply not that good. All right?! I'm thoroughly mediocre. Thoroughly. Just good enough to stumble along in flute choir. (This is just as frustrating as my parents' persistant habit of getting me drawing stuff for stocking stuffers/small birthday presents. Look, I like to draw, but I have no intention whatsoever of going professional with that, either. I don't use pens like that and am not motivated to try.)
Whenever I
But of course you don't think that's a ridiculous fear; this blog is only seen by my friends, who will understand-kureru.
I took a little break and feel a little better now. Don't feel like describing what I've been doing though, so I'll just tell you that today I figured out the TP song "Don't want you no More" in almost-entirety. It is incredibly fun to play, besides being a beautiful song. Yesyes, lessthan3.
Five hours, eighteen minutes.
Roughly. With bathroom breaks.
Currently it appears that either the caffeine from the Pepsi I had (to keep myself awake) or the excitement (and no, I will not tell you whether I mean good excitement or bad excitement, more commonly called agitation) has taken effect, and I cannot get to sleep despite the fact that I just had my first all-nighter ever in my life.
Now I shall go feed lace_and_gears, as I left rather suddenly when I heard there were spoilers about and have not been back on the internet since.
Currently it appears that either the caffeine from the Pepsi I had (to keep myself awake) or the excitement (and no, I will not tell you whether I mean good excitement or bad excitement, more commonly called agitation) has taken effect, and I cannot get to sleep despite the fact that I just had my first all-nighter ever in my life.
Now I shall go feed lace_and_gears, as I left rather suddenly when I heard there were spoilers about and have not been back on the internet since.
I haven't mentioned this yet, but...
I've started playing Neopets again. Oh noes!
I'm new_anachronism there, and my pet is called lace_and_gears. I've decided that I'm going to try to make lace_and_gears the smartest Neopet on Neopets! At least that will be my goal until I lose interest.
That aside.
Most important thing about today:
I got a 5 in US History, a 5 in English, and a 4 in physics! My goodness! I wasn't expecting to do that well, especially in physics, but yay~!!
Other than that I really did not do anything important today. Though yesterday after I blogged, I found some sites that contained guides to three Hylian scripts (two based on kana and one based on the English alphabet) and have been writing that blasphemous fanficiton I mentioned in the alphabet one. I can remember almost all the letters now, except for weird rare ones like q and z and j. And x. In any case Telma is not Telma. She is Terma.
Yeah. Other than that... not much.
I really need to work on OO, don't I?
I'm new_anachronism there, and my pet is called lace_and_gears. I've decided that I'm going to try to make lace_and_gears the smartest Neopet on Neopets! At least that will be my goal until I lose interest.
That aside.
Most important thing about today:
I got a 5 in US History, a 5 in English, and a 4 in physics! My goodness! I wasn't expecting to do that well, especially in physics, but yay~!!
Other than that I really did not do anything important today. Though yesterday after I blogged, I found some sites that contained guides to three Hylian scripts (two based on kana and one based on the English alphabet) and have been writing that blasphemous fanficiton I mentioned in the alphabet one. I can remember almost all the letters now, except for weird rare ones like q and z and j. And x. In any case Telma is not Telma. She is Terma.
Yeah. Other than that... not much.
I really need to work on OO, don't I?
"I suppose as long as we have this mirror, we can still see each other...
"Anachron... I...
*breaks mirror*"
WTH?! You don't make any sense. And you force me to be blasphemous in order to write a fanfiction. Sheesh.
Yep. I finished Twilight Princess to-day.
But first I should go over yesterday.
Yesterday I basically hung out until 12, at which time I went downstairs to play a little TP. Right around 1:00, I realized I was on a straight path to Ganon/dorf, so I decided I'd better wait to face him, since I hadn't eaten lunch yet and R.G. was due at 2. And at 2 she came, and we watched Death Note~ She seemed to like it very much, and was very much on L's side. Hurray! でも新しいLファンを作るなんて、本当にひどいことですね?うわ~ん。And then for the rest of the evening I was sad thinking of 58, but I also felt like dealing with the novel--which in turn made me sad again, because thinking about the novel makes me feel so closed-in. More people should read it~ Then I could talk to people about it~ Ohh yeahand I talked to Sakeko a bit on the phone and then online. That was fun too~ And then Snuffles came on! But at that point I was already up in bed... But then! I remembered that I wanted to check days of the week for the last bits of the second arc, because the anime has changed the years in which the series takes place! o__O; Those freaks. I mean I guess it creates the whole "this is so realistic! It could be happening RIGHT NOW" feeling, but... meh.
So that was yesterday.
Today, as I said, I finished Twilight Princess. The ending was kind of... WHAT THE HECK YOU DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE, WOMAN! And I do believe that Anachron is feeling rather indignant at the moment, so I've decided to create a fourth goddess so that he can go visit her. But then he shall be yelled at! By three females. xD You wuss.
I think that's spoiler-free. In any case I have found a new couple; yes, I know I used to hate her, but I'm a canon freak and I'll call them where I see them. And I definitely saw it.
*breaks mirror*"
WTH?! You don't make any sense. And you force me to be blasphemous in order to write a fanfiction. Sheesh.
Yep. I finished Twilight Princess to-day.
But first I should go over yesterday.
Yesterday I basically hung out until 12, at which time I went downstairs to play a little TP. Right around 1:00, I realized I was on a straight path to Ganon/dorf, so I decided I'd better wait to face him, since I hadn't eaten lunch yet and R.G. was due at 2. And at 2 she came, and we watched Death Note~ She seemed to like it very much, and was very much on L's side. Hurray! でも新しいLファンを作るなんて、本当にひどいことですね?うわ~ん。And then for the rest of the evening I was sad thinking of 58, but I also felt like dealing with the novel--which in turn made me sad again, because thinking about the novel makes me feel so closed-in. More people should read it~ Then I could talk to people about it~ Ohh yeahand I talked to Sakeko a bit on the phone and then online. That was fun too~ And then Snuffles came on! But at that point I was already up in bed... But then! I remembered that I wanted to check days of the week for the last bits of the second arc, because the anime has changed the years in which the series takes place! o__O; Those freaks. I mean I guess it creates the whole "this is so realistic! It could be happening RIGHT NOW" feeling, but... meh.
So that was yesterday.
Today, as I said, I finished Twilight Princess. The ending was kind of... WHAT THE HECK YOU DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE, WOMAN! And I do believe that Anachron is feeling rather indignant at the moment, so I've decided to create a fourth goddess so that he can go visit her. But then he shall be yelled at! By three females. xD You wuss.
I think that's spoiler-free. In any case I have found a new couple; yes, I know I used to hate her, but I'm a canon freak and I'll call them where I see them. And I definitely saw it.
One, two, do the kung fu; three, four, on the dance floor
I have Bus Stop's version of "Kung Fu Fighting" in my head. XP
So today I pretty much finished cleaning my room. Amazingly, I have a FLOOR. Wow. I thought my floor was made of paper and clothes and other miscellany. Also that is a funny word. Miscellany.
Other than that, Palace of Twilight is a really SHORT dungeon. My goodness. And Zant is a freaking weirdo! I was expecting him to be a dignified villian--and I was even expecting him to be semi-handsome after the dealybob with his lips when he was talking to Midna after Lakebed--but he was very much neither. oO; In fact he was quite creepy. And strange. But the music while battling him was amazing. I think I mentioned that when I'm done I'm going to go collect cutscenes from Youtube; well, I'm going looking for that battle, too, just for the music. It was stellar. And he was not difficult, just long. And the dungeon was not difficult, nor was it long. But now I'm in the castle which is looking more like a dungeon every second. NINE dungeons? It does not make sense!
Other than that... Yeah. I spent too much time staring at screens today. Now I am working on my picture of Misa as episodes 1-5 download in preparation for tomorrow. I don't think I've mentioned this, but R.G. kindly agreed to subject herself to a conversion attempt, so she's coming over tomorrow to watch episodes 1-8. R.B. may also come, but we're having trouble contacting him because he just got back from a cruise.
Scratch that, it doesn't seem that R.B. is coming. Too bad. ;;
Now, I did say I was drawing Misa, but in case that's not good enough for you, here's the Oocca I drew today on my flashgear board. Oocca are odd. They look like chickens with deformed heads, yet they are noble or special or something.
...At least, I'll be able to show you once my computer stops lagging.
......So, I heard you like Mudkips.
Okay, it's huge because it wouldn't load on my gaia page, so I had to go to my account and take the link from there. I might do that in the future; it' s a nice size.
So today I pretty much finished cleaning my room. Amazingly, I have a FLOOR. Wow. I thought my floor was made of paper and clothes and other miscellany. Also that is a funny word. Miscellany.
Other than that, Palace of Twilight is a really SHORT dungeon. My goodness. And Zant is a freaking weirdo! I was expecting him to be a dignified villian--and I was even expecting him to be semi-handsome after the dealybob with his lips when he was talking to Midna after Lakebed--but he was very much neither. oO; In fact he was quite creepy. And strange. But the music while battling him was amazing. I think I mentioned that when I'm done I'm going to go collect cutscenes from Youtube; well, I'm going looking for that battle, too, just for the music. It was stellar. And he was not difficult, just long. And the dungeon was not difficult, nor was it long. But now I'm in the castle which is looking more like a dungeon every second. NINE dungeons? It does not make sense!
Other than that... Yeah. I spent too much time staring at screens today. Now I am working on my picture of Misa as episodes 1-5 download in preparation for tomorrow. I don't think I've mentioned this, but R.G. kindly agreed to subject herself to a conversion attempt, so she's coming over tomorrow to watch episodes 1-8. R.B. may also come, but we're having trouble contacting him because he just got back from a cruise.
Scratch that, it doesn't seem that R.B. is coming. Too bad. ;;
Now, I did say I was drawing Misa, but in case that's not good enough for you, here's the Oocca I drew today on my flashgear board. Oocca are odd. They look like chickens with deformed heads, yet they are noble or special or something.
...At least, I'll be able to show you once my computer stops lagging.
......So, I heard you like Mudkips.
Okay, it's huge because it wouldn't load on my gaia page, so I had to go to my account and take the link from there. I might do that in the future; it' s a nice size.

Conversion party,
Twilight Princess
What do you do with a floating Zant head, ear-ly in the Twilight?
Though it's actually quite simple to beat those. ...The P-Z's too. Is that guy's real form as easy as thwacking him with a sword? Geez. Anyway I am in Twilight and not wolfy unless I stand in areas marked in purple. And Twilight people (a site I was on said they are not called Twili in the Japanese game so I will not call them Twili) (Oh yeah? So what do you call Ordon, huh?) do not talk. >___> How did I get stuck with the chatty one? (Yes I know he has it, Midna, I saw him leave with it. I'm not as stupid as you think.)
But I didn't really get a jiggy-normous (that's ginormous, which is of course from gigantic and enormous) cutscene at the mirror. DX I wanted a huge one. But all it did was tell me that msdfg ij tnt tiolohcvn pucnokff. And I've been saying that all game anyway. (Though I will admit that I had part of it wrong.) Also it told me a few confusing things that I'm still trying to straighten out. (When all of this is over, I'm going to search Youtube for cutscene videos and keep them.)
Random game talk aside.
Yesterday I did not blog because we watched an old movie (The Maltese Falcon; it was very nice. I didn't realize that man who played Joel Cairo in that and plays the doctor in Arsenic and Old Lace had that accent naturally; I thought he was putting it on for Arsenic.) until 10. But yesterday I started writing a fairy tale. You see I was reading The Wonder Clock, which is a collection of twenty-four fairy tales by Howard Pyle. I think--I'm fairly certain--that he wrote the fairy tales himself. Anyway he mentioned the white snake in one of them--which gives humans the ability to understand animal speech when eaten. I think it shows up in a Grimm fairy tale as well. That or an Andersen. (We have a book of each so occasionally I find myself confused.) In any case I decided that I would also write a fairy tale involving the white snake. And that is what you get to see today, though I did work on OO a bit this morning. However the new bit is not generic so you may not see it.
However the white snake doesn't come in just yet.
Now in the forest there lived a poor woodcutter and his only son. The son's name was Jacob, and he often accompanied his father into the forest to help the old man carry the wood he chopped. Also, Jacob loved animals very much, and that comes into this story quite a bit, so you had best remember it.
One day, when Jacob was still fairly young, his father cut down a tree in which, unbeknownst to him, two great black ravens had made their nest. The ravens, of course, flew off at the first ka-thuck! of the ax into the tree and were never seen in that forest again. But as young Jacob helped his father, he spotted their nest in the tree branches, and--lo and behold!--Mother and Father Raven had left behind a tiny egg, unhatched and miraculously unbroken in the nest.
"Father," said Jacob, filled with wonder, "look at the this raven's egg, which has survived the tree's fall."
His father, too, marveled. He thought to himself, "In my work, I have destroyed the homes of countless innocent animals. Surely it would be ill luck to leave this animal to die when I have I chance to save it." For that reason, he charged his son to care for the egg until it hatched, and then to raise the baby bird with love.
All this Jacob did gladly, for he loved animals. He carried the nest home and kept the egg warm with rags that he warmed in a pot over the fire. And when the egg hatched, Jacob named the raven Onyxwing for its resilience and fed it food that he had seen other birds feed their young. Onyxwing treated Jacob like a father and stayed with him even after learning to fly. In this way Jacob the Lover of Animals and Onyxwing the Raven grew up together.
It so happened that upon Jacob's seventeenth birthday, the king of the kingdom issued a proclamation that whosoever might bring him three drops of dew from beyond the Dawn should have the princess's hand in marriage. For the king's health was poor, and the dew from beyond the Dawn is the purest healing water there is.
つづく。 (TBC)
But I didn't really get a jiggy-normous (that's ginormous, which is of course from gigantic and enormous) cutscene at the mirror. DX I wanted a huge one. But all it did was tell me that msdfg ij tnt tiolohcvn pucnokff. And I've been saying that all game anyway. (Though I will admit that I had part of it wrong.) Also it told me a few confusing things that I'm still trying to straighten out. (When all of this is over, I'm going to search Youtube for cutscene videos and keep them.)
Random game talk aside.
Yesterday I did not blog because we watched an old movie (The Maltese Falcon; it was very nice. I didn't realize that man who played Joel Cairo in that and plays the doctor in Arsenic and Old Lace had that accent naturally; I thought he was putting it on for Arsenic.) until 10. But yesterday I started writing a fairy tale. You see I was reading The Wonder Clock, which is a collection of twenty-four fairy tales by Howard Pyle. I think--I'm fairly certain--that he wrote the fairy tales himself. Anyway he mentioned the white snake in one of them--which gives humans the ability to understand animal speech when eaten. I think it shows up in a Grimm fairy tale as well. That or an Andersen. (We have a book of each so occasionally I find myself confused.) In any case I decided that I would also write a fairy tale involving the white snake. And that is what you get to see today, though I did work on OO a bit this morning. However the new bit is not generic so you may not see it.
However the white snake doesn't come in just yet.
Now in the forest there lived a poor woodcutter and his only son. The son's name was Jacob, and he often accompanied his father into the forest to help the old man carry the wood he chopped. Also, Jacob loved animals very much, and that comes into this story quite a bit, so you had best remember it.
One day, when Jacob was still fairly young, his father cut down a tree in which, unbeknownst to him, two great black ravens had made their nest. The ravens, of course, flew off at the first ka-thuck! of the ax into the tree and were never seen in that forest again. But as young Jacob helped his father, he spotted their nest in the tree branches, and--lo and behold!--Mother and Father Raven had left behind a tiny egg, unhatched and miraculously unbroken in the nest.
"Father," said Jacob, filled with wonder, "look at the this raven's egg, which has survived the tree's fall."
His father, too, marveled. He thought to himself, "In my work, I have destroyed the homes of countless innocent animals. Surely it would be ill luck to leave this animal to die when I have I chance to save it." For that reason, he charged his son to care for the egg until it hatched, and then to raise the baby bird with love.
All this Jacob did gladly, for he loved animals. He carried the nest home and kept the egg warm with rags that he warmed in a pot over the fire. And when the egg hatched, Jacob named the raven Onyxwing for its resilience and fed it food that he had seen other birds feed their young. Onyxwing treated Jacob like a father and stayed with him even after learning to fly. In this way Jacob the Lover of Animals and Onyxwing the Raven grew up together.
It so happened that upon Jacob's seventeenth birthday, the king of the kingdom issued a proclamation that whosoever might bring him three drops of dew from beyond the Dawn should have the princess's hand in marriage. For the king's health was poor, and the dew from beyond the Dawn is the purest healing water there is.
つづく。 (TBC)
Today my sisters' friend had a volleyball tournament in the cities (for the uninitiated, that refers to St. Paul and Minneapolis), so Mom and my sisters and I went down there and hung out for the day. It was hot. Really hot. And I found out at the last minute that I was going so I didn't have time to find matching socks so I had to wear my long boots. DX It was awful.
But only the heat. Other than that it wasn't so bad. A little ways away we found a Japanese store!! Called "Tomodachi." ("Friend.") It wasn't too bad... But man! Was the food expensive. The pocky was $2.30! We're talking ordinary chocolate pocky here. D: And I stupidly didn't check the price on the Ramune before I bought it... oh well. I also bought a shirt with those Makkuro Kurosuke things from My Neighbor Totoro on it. The... soot creatures? Don't remember what Disney called them. Those little black things. I'm so wearing it tomorrow. x3 With my black lacey cami underneath, if that looks fine... *goes into outfit planning mode*
Other than that... geez, I had every intention of working on OO this morning! Really I did! But Cody is just so cute in the mornings, and so excited to see me, and it's so distracting... in any case
I had to leave suddenly, so it wouldn't have worked out. Ohh, I am failing miserably. ;_;
I think I need a new writing time. Morning hasn't been working... Hmm... maybe I need darkness. But staying up later would entail waking up later and I don't want to lose my reputation for waking up at 5:45.
I worked on drawing Show today and started drawing a Decora girl. Also I am in desperate need of AAA batteries for my mp3 player. And my AP grades did not come today so I must wait until Monday! D: Siiigh.
But I got a Makkurokurosuke shirt.
But only the heat. Other than that it wasn't so bad. A little ways away we found a Japanese store!! Called "Tomodachi." ("Friend.") It wasn't too bad... But man! Was the food expensive. The pocky was $2.30! We're talking ordinary chocolate pocky here. D: And I stupidly didn't check the price on the Ramune before I bought it... oh well. I also bought a shirt with those Makkuro Kurosuke things from My Neighbor Totoro on it. The... soot creatures? Don't remember what Disney called them. Those little black things. I'm so wearing it tomorrow. x3 With my black lacey cami underneath, if that looks fine... *goes into outfit planning mode*
Other than that... geez, I had every intention of working on OO this morning! Really I did! But Cody is just so cute in the mornings, and so excited to see me, and it's so distracting... in any case
I had to leave suddenly, so it wouldn't have worked out. Ohh, I am failing miserably. ;_;
I think I need a new writing time. Morning hasn't been working... Hmm... maybe I need darkness. But staying up later would entail waking up later and I don't want to lose my reputation for waking up at 5:45.
I worked on drawing Show today and started drawing a Decora girl. Also I am in desperate need of AAA batteries for my mp3 player. And my AP grades did not come today so I must wait until Monday! D: Siiigh.
But I got a Makkurokurosuke shirt.
Which contains a blatant diversionary tactic
Today I did little. As predicted I read Silver Chair and Last Battle. Played a tiny bit of Twilight Princess but I am rather stuck in this City in the Sky... Then had lunch, napped, drew. I'm still working on that Matt.Mello picture. And I started a picture of Show from Alice Nine as well.
Someone in PG has received her AP scores already. Just when I had managed to forget for a few days that they were coming. *deep steadying breaths*
Anyway, now for something more lighthearted, a phrase which means, "the blatant diversionary tactic, which should hopefully distract you from the fact that this entry, like too many recent ones, contains neither art nor writing."
I made the questions for this survey myself.
What's happening next week?
Song: Angels of Mercy
Artist: The Bobs
Comments: I will either nearly choke or save someone who is choking. In Arizona.
What do my friends say about me behind my back?
Song: Jack's Obsession
Artist: Danny Elfman
Comments: ...Who's Jack..?!
What is usually a person's first impression of me?
Song: What's This?
Artist: Danny Elfman
Comments: Yes, I bet so.
What is my current theme song?
Song: Lのテーマ
Where will I meet my soul mate?
Song: Frozen Ray
Artist: dj TAKA, if I remember correctly.
Comments: Up north. Oh, gosh, not in MN?!
What will my honeymoon be like?
Song: 遠い叫び
Artist: I'm pretty sure this is Chikai Konaka.
Comments: oO; Not very happy.
What is my true calling?
Song: Lose Loose Bounds
Artist: Whoever wrote the Texhnolyze OST.
Comments: Um. Okay. I'll keep that in mind.
Will I lead a happy life?
Song: The New Wild West
Artist: Jewel
Comments: That's not a happy song. D:
Will I have children?
Song: Naming the Band
Artist: The Bobs
Comments: "My parents were wrong; they named me 'Tree.'" So I will. And I will name him/her "Tree." Actually it would have to be her, because I have plans already for a he. I just have to pick which plan...
How will I die?
Song: Fleur de Saison
Artist: Emilie Simon
Comments: I will wilt after my time is up...
What song will they play at my funeral?
Song: A Dark Congregation
Artist: The Hush Sound
Comments: This song is about a funeral. B) This one's working well.
What is/will be my greatest accomplishment?
Song: Snow Coast
Artist: Yoshihiro Sawa[somethingcutoff]
Comments: Um? Maybe... meeting my soul mate will be my greatest accomplishment?
What will my last words be?
Song: Dirge
Artist: The DN guy with kanji.
Comments: I will sing my own funeral song... (This is one of the creepies... DX)
That's right. L's theme is my current theme song. You have my permission to turn green with jealousy. B)
Someone in PG has received her AP scores already. Just when I had managed to forget for a few days that they were coming. *deep steadying breaths*
Anyway, now for something more lighthearted, a phrase which means, "the blatant diversionary tactic, which should hopefully distract you from the fact that this entry, like too many recent ones, contains neither art nor writing."
I made the questions for this survey myself.
What's happening next week?
Song: Angels of Mercy
Artist: The Bobs
Comments: I will either nearly choke or save someone who is choking. In Arizona.
What do my friends say about me behind my back?
Song: Jack's Obsession
Artist: Danny Elfman
Comments: ...Who's Jack..?!
What is usually a person's first impression of me?
Song: What's This?
Artist: Danny Elfman
Comments: Yes, I bet so.
What is my current theme song?
Song: Lのテーマ
Where will I meet my soul mate?
Song: Frozen Ray
Artist: dj TAKA, if I remember correctly.
Comments: Up north. Oh, gosh, not in MN?!
What will my honeymoon be like?
Song: 遠い叫び
Artist: I'm pretty sure this is Chikai Konaka.
Comments: oO; Not very happy.
What is my true calling?
Song: Lose Loose Bounds
Artist: Whoever wrote the Texhnolyze OST.
Comments: Um. Okay. I'll keep that in mind.
Will I lead a happy life?
Song: The New Wild West
Artist: Jewel
Comments: That's not a happy song. D:
Will I have children?
Song: Naming the Band
Artist: The Bobs
Comments: "My parents were wrong; they named me 'Tree.'" So I will. And I will name him/her "Tree." Actually it would have to be her, because I have plans already for a he. I just have to pick which plan...
How will I die?
Song: Fleur de Saison
Artist: Emilie Simon
Comments: I will wilt after my time is up...
What song will they play at my funeral?
Song: A Dark Congregation
Artist: The Hush Sound
Comments: This song is about a funeral. B) This one's working well.
What is/will be my greatest accomplishment?
Song: Snow Coast
Artist: Yoshihiro Sawa[somethingcutoff]
Comments: Um? Maybe... meeting my soul mate will be my greatest accomplishment?
What will my last words be?
Song: Dirge
Artist: The DN guy with kanji.
Comments: I will sing my own funeral song... (This is one of the creepies... DX)
That's right. L's theme is my current theme song. You have my permission to turn green with jealousy. B)
Chronicles of Narnia,
Twilight Princess
Uhm. Yeah.
I'm failing again, huh?
Exciting things I have done:
We went to a restaurant called Anton's Fish and Whiskey for my sisters' birthday (yes, it was late). I got a shrimp dish because shrimp are amazing. And they have these things called popovers that are a sweet hollow pastry that you put this delicious sweet butter on. Or you feed them to the geese and ducks outside. Those poor ducks! If you paid any special attention to them, a nearby goose would come and intimidate them and steal the bit of popover that you intended for the ducks. So I spoke sternly to that particular goose. Not that that did anything.
Also, I drew a picture of Road Kamelot, but during the salad course I got ranch on her face. ;_; Poor Road. I'm sorry. I wiped it off and redrew the face.
Yesterday for the Fourth we went to see fireworks. We didn't go to the location where they were actually set off, so we couldn't see some of the low ones. And we forgot bug spray. All in all I think I am losing interest in things that go bang in the sky. Pity... Not that there weren't some interesting one. But not worth being bitten by bugs for.
Also, I have been re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia. Goodness, but they're a fast read. I have finished all of Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader today. Also I may have still been reading... what? The one with the horses. o_o I forget what it's called. Oh, right. A Horse and His Boy when I woke up this morning. If I am particularly bored tomorrow I may finish Silver Chair and The Last Battle. I am looking forward to Battle in particular because I have wanted to re-read that for a while. It is based on Revelations (are books of the Bible italicized?) and therefore extremely freaky. (Blasphemy?) Also whenever Cody comes up the porch stairs to go back inside I am tempted to say "Further up, further in!"
But it is amazing how many random Christianity snippets one may catch in those books when looking. One particularly fascinating bit I caught in Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe:
Of course I do not know which came first, but in any case I found that interesting. There are other little things like that, though other than LWW and Battle I can't really see any direct correlation like this book = that Bible story. But there are little things. Shasta (Cor) was drawn out of a river. At the end of Voyage Aslan is both lion and lamb.
All of that (my goodness! I hadn't thought to write that much) aside:
Poor Cody was fixed today. He is rather meek right now. Poor thing.
Also I am itchy with bug bites.
Exciting things I have done:
We went to a restaurant called Anton's Fish and Whiskey for my sisters' birthday (yes, it was late). I got a shrimp dish because shrimp are amazing. And they have these things called popovers that are a sweet hollow pastry that you put this delicious sweet butter on. Or you feed them to the geese and ducks outside. Those poor ducks! If you paid any special attention to them, a nearby goose would come and intimidate them and steal the bit of popover that you intended for the ducks. So I spoke sternly to that particular goose. Not that that did anything.
Also, I drew a picture of Road Kamelot, but during the salad course I got ranch on her face. ;_; Poor Road. I'm sorry. I wiped it off and redrew the face.
Yesterday for the Fourth we went to see fireworks. We didn't go to the location where they were actually set off, so we couldn't see some of the low ones. And we forgot bug spray. All in all I think I am losing interest in things that go bang in the sky. Pity... Not that there weren't some interesting one. But not worth being bitten by bugs for.
Also, I have been re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia. Goodness, but they're a fast read. I have finished all of Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader today. Also I may have still been reading... what? The one with the horses. o_o I forget what it's called. Oh, right. A Horse and His Boy when I woke up this morning. If I am particularly bored tomorrow I may finish Silver Chair and The Last Battle. I am looking forward to Battle in particular because I have wanted to re-read that for a while. It is based on Revelations (are books of the Bible italicized?) and therefore extremely freaky. (Blasphemy?) Also whenever Cody comes up the porch stairs to go back inside I am tempted to say "Further up, further in!"
But it is amazing how many random Christianity snippets one may catch in those books when looking. One particularly fascinating bit I caught in Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe:
"Logic!" said the Professor half to himself. "Why don't they teach logic at these schools? There are only three possibilities. Either your sister is telling lies, or she is mad, or she is telling the truth."This is strikingly similar to the argument in support of Christ (when I am being scholarly or speaking in school I feel the need to call Him Christ. This is ridiculous and strange, but I am what I yam [which was not in the least bit funny, by the way, so being asked to write a paragraph on the humor contained in that page was unreasonable.]): that He was either a liar, a lunatic, or our Lord. This is to counter the "good teacher" point of view, since liars and lunatics generally do not make very good teachers.
Of course I do not know which came first, but in any case I found that interesting. There are other little things like that, though other than LWW and Battle I can't really see any direct correlation like this book = that Bible story. But there are little things. Shasta (Cor) was drawn out of a river. At the end of Voyage Aslan is both lion and lamb.
All of that (my goodness! I hadn't thought to write that much) aside:
Poor Cody was fixed today. He is rather meek right now. Poor thing.
Also I am itchy with bug bites.
Chronicles of Narnia,
July Fourth,
Now I'm crawling towards the sun
So today I finished coloring the picture... I suppose it didn't turn out too bad. I wish I'd blended the shading on Link a little better... oh well. Water under the bridge.
I also made it into Snowpeak in the game... tracking the beast at the moment via reekfish. >__>
Other than that... I read a lot of HunterxHunter. Haven't done that in a while.
Also! Dinner was hot dogs grilled over our firepit. Then we set off more fireworks! Hurray for things that burn!
I also made it into Snowpeak in the game... tracking the beast at the moment via reekfish. >__>
Other than that... I read a lot of HunterxHunter. Haven't done that in a while.
Also! Dinner was hot dogs grilled over our firepit. Then we set off more fireworks! Hurray for things that burn!
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