
I haven't mentioned this yet, but...

I've started playing Neopets again. Oh noes!
I'm new_anachronism there, and my pet is called lace_and_gears. I've decided that I'm going to try to make lace_and_gears the smartest Neopet on Neopets! At least that will be my goal until I lose interest.

That aside.
Most important thing about today:
I got a 5 in US History, a 5 in English, and a 4 in physics! My goodness! I wasn't expecting to do that well, especially in physics, but yay~!!

Other than that I really did not do anything important today. Though yesterday after I blogged, I found some sites that contained guides to three Hylian scripts (two based on kana and one based on the English alphabet) and have been writing that blasphemous fanficiton I mentioned in the alphabet one. I can remember almost all the letters now, except for weird rare ones like q and z and j. And x. In any case Telma is not Telma. She is Terma.

Yeah. Other than that... not much.
I really need to work on OO, don't I?

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