
Uhm. Yeah.

I'm failing again, huh?

Exciting things I have done:
We went to a restaurant called Anton's Fish and Whiskey for my sisters' birthday (yes, it was late). I got a shrimp dish because shrimp are amazing. And they have these things called popovers that are a sweet hollow pastry that you put this delicious sweet butter on. Or you feed them to the geese and ducks outside. Those poor ducks! If you paid any special attention to them, a nearby goose would come and intimidate them and steal the bit of popover that you intended for the ducks. So I spoke sternly to that particular goose. Not that that did anything.
Also, I drew a picture of Road Kamelot, but during the salad course I got ranch on her face. ;_; Poor Road. I'm sorry. I wiped it off and redrew the face.

Yesterday for the Fourth we went to see fireworks. We didn't go to the location where they were actually set off, so we couldn't see some of the low ones. And we forgot bug spray. All in all I think I am losing interest in things that go bang in the sky. Pity... Not that there weren't some interesting one. But not worth being bitten by bugs for.

Also, I have been re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia. Goodness, but they're a fast read. I have finished all of Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader today. Also I may have still been reading... what? The one with the horses. o_o I forget what it's called. Oh, right. A Horse and His Boy when I woke up this morning. If I am particularly bored tomorrow I may finish Silver Chair and The Last Battle. I am looking forward to Battle in particular because I have wanted to re-read that for a while. It is based on Revelations (are books of the Bible italicized?) and therefore extremely freaky. (Blasphemy?) Also whenever Cody comes up the porch stairs to go back inside I am tempted to say "Further up, further in!"

But it is amazing how many random Christianity snippets one may catch in those books when looking. One particularly fascinating bit I caught in Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe:
"Logic!" said the Professor half to himself. "Why don't they teach logic at these schools? There are only three possibilities. Either your sister is telling lies, or she is mad, or she is telling the truth."
This is strikingly similar to the argument in support of Christ (when I am being scholarly or speaking in school I feel the need to call Him Christ. This is ridiculous and strange, but I am what I yam [which was not in the least bit funny, by the way, so being asked to write a paragraph on the humor contained in that page was unreasonable.]): that He was either a liar, a lunatic, or our Lord. This is to counter the "good teacher" point of view, since liars and lunatics generally do not make very good teachers.
Of course I do not know which came first, but in any case I found that interesting. There are other little things like that, though other than LWW and Battle I can't really see any direct correlation like this book = that Bible story. But there are little things. Shasta (Cor) was drawn out of a river. At the end of Voyage Aslan is both lion and lamb.

All of that (my goodness! I hadn't thought to write that much) aside:
Poor Cody was fixed today. He is rather meek right now. Poor thing.
Also I am itchy with bug bites.

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