
Contains: dreams; LoZ:TP spoilers&sap

(This is 7/27 entry #2. See below for explanation.) I almost forgot--I had really odd dreams last night.
One of them was vaguely based on that Halloween movie, Hocus-Pocus (great movie. xD). At least, there were three witches who wanted to kill people to remain young. But they were at my house. Which was unfortunate. Oh, and it wasn't Halloween. It was quite creepy, but then the movie ended with them dying because there were these orbs--I called them paintballs, but I've never... seen a paintball, so I don't know where I got that from--crazy dream logic--and those "paintballs" contained their souls, and at 9:00 A.M. light shone on them and made the witches explode. And then, I think, we went shopping.
Yeah. That was weird.
The other dream that I remember was much nicer. I dreamt that when the N.'s came back to get J.-the-younger's hat, they stayed for like, another day. That was lovely. But my brain was a little screwed up... In my dream, they "stayed till Sunday"... that was Sunday. Oh well. It was nice. And then a whole bunch of people from California showed up. It was a very odd dream, all in all. But odd in a very nice way.

Okay. So here's the fanfiction.
It takes a few months after the end of the game (totally wanted to say "series" there. oO)
It grows out of my frustration with Midna at the end of the game, since I could totally tell that Midna and Link or Anachron or whatever liked each other by the end of the game. (She's hanging off his shoulder like that one Celebrity Date on Gaia! The glitzy one!) And then she's just like "See you later... but not really." (She doesn't actually say "but not really." She just acts that way.) And besides, I think Link--and if not Link, at least Anachron!--is rather irritated with her whole attitude there. But hopefully that will come in later.
Babbling aside.
Here we go. Oh, and I say Anachron because I have a sneaky suspicion that this is quite バカッテ。(If you're really interested, that's a word that combines the Japanese word for "stupid" with that for "selfish." It's a lovely word to use to degrade my less canon-based fanfition. I made it up. It is precious to me.)

Anachron sat, his feet dangling over the ladder to his loft, and watched as the light from the window gradually turned the white pages of his book a dirty yellow. Dusk had come--twilight.
For a few days after everything had ended, twilight had been a hopeful time for him. Rusl had once said that then and only then could spirits who had left this world contact the people here. Anachron had believed that--or wanted to believe that--for a short time, and he'd waited and watched for some sort of sign.
But it was a fairy tale, and it hardly suited the chosen hero to believe such a thing. So twilight had instead become a time of resentment for him.
Not that he missed the dim, dirty light of Twilight over Hyrule, or the grit of unholy insects between his beast jaws, or the feeling that everything--scenery and souls alike--was slowing disintigrating. There was only thing he missed about Twilight; that was its Princess, and the feeling did not come without bitterness.
Anachron closed the book and dropped down a level to put it back on his shelf. It had been difficult, ever since he'd returned to Ordon Village, for him to focus on any one thing for long. Feeling duty-bound, he'd gone back to helping [needtocheckthisguy'sname] at the ranch, but herding goats was laughably tame compared to outriding Bulbins.
Not that he had any real desire to go adventuring again. Once or twice, he'd thought about taking Epona and visiting the people he'd met on his journey, but he could never work up the motivation. The Master Sword lay, unused, by his bed. It was as if saving the world had bled dry his life's supply of excitement. Anachron wondered if it were possible for apathy to drive a man mad.
"H--Hello? Anachron?"
Aha. Apparently it was possible, because he'd just thought he heard Midna's voice.
Of course, he woudl only be truly mad if he answered.
"Anachron?--Isn't this working?--Anachron, can you hear me?"
It popped out of him instinctively.
Oh, well. If he was mad, he was mad, and at least it was a pleasant sort of madness.
"I can hear you Midna, but where...?" Out of habit, he turned his head, as if he were in wolf form and she were on his back.
"Where's my voice coming from?" Midna's voice finished his question. "Not the inside of your head, if that's what you're wondering. Other than that, I think I'll let you figure it out." And she gave a giggle that Anachron recognized very well.
That was the real Midna, all right.
Anachron scanned his home, peering carefully into the shadows cast by the dying light. He checked his own shadow. He climbed up to look out the window.
He didn't see Midna anywhere.
"It's very dark in here," Midna said in a voice that suggested that her words were a hint.
So Anachron checked his cupboards and his chests. He grabbed a lantern and swung it around in his cellar. Still no sign of Midna.
Finally Midna gave a sigh. Anachron could imagine her--the impish her, that is, not the graceful being he'd seen after Ganondorf's defeat--rolling her eyes. "Think, Anachron," she instructed. "What do you own that might possibly be connected to the Twilight Realm?"
...Was she talking about the Master Sword? Nonplussed, Anachron looked toward the sword; he saw nothing unusual about it. But it was sheathed--could that be why she'd said it was "dark in here"?
Anachron reached for the sword and unsheathed it, and what he saw made him blink in amazement.
First of all, the blade was glittering as it did in the Twilight Realm. This should have been bizarre enough in itself, but it was nothing compared to what Anachron saw in the blade.
Where he should have seen his reflection, he saw an image--the image of a room made of stones and laced with gleaming lines of aquamarine--so obviously a room from the Twilight Realm--and sitting in that room, smiling at him--
"Hello, Anachron."
--was Midna.

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