
My excuse died.

My excuse to get back in was that I'm the hero of Twilight too. But I've already done them a great service, besides beating Zant.
I made their princess much less annoying. XD

This realization is broctued (don't ask) by the fact that I started a new file on Twilight Princess to replay the game. This time I am called BLAH. This is my general Zelda name, but I had completely forgotten when I started my Anachron file. But that's okay, because it was nice having a serious-sounding name. It sounds just a little ridiculous when the light spirit calls me Heroic BLAH.

Other than that.
I am slowly losing interest/patience with Project: PLAY EVERY NOTE OF "DON'T WANT YOU NO MORE"!!!1!!111one!. Still I adore the song, and I have most of the notes now. All that remains is to play ad nauseum infinitum until my fingers know all of it. Haha. Boredom with practicing is why I gave up piano in the first place...
Today, my sisters were supposed to leave for California, but due to a mix-up, one ticket was for today and the other for tomorrow... so they're leaving tomorrow, and today we went to a Mexican place for dinner. It was yummy.
And we watched Rat Race. I can do anything, I'm eccentric!

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