
One, two, do the kung fu; three, four, on the dance floor

I have Bus Stop's version of "Kung Fu Fighting" in my head. XP

So today I pretty much finished cleaning my room. Amazingly, I have a FLOOR. Wow. I thought my floor was made of paper and clothes and other miscellany. Also that is a funny word. Miscellany.

Other than that, Palace of Twilight is a really SHORT dungeon. My goodness. And Zant is a freaking weirdo! I was expecting him to be a dignified villian--and I was even expecting him to be semi-handsome after the dealybob with his lips when he was talking to Midna after Lakebed--but he was very much neither. oO; In fact he was quite creepy. And strange. But the music while battling him was amazing. I think I mentioned that when I'm done I'm going to go collect cutscenes from Youtube; well, I'm going looking for that battle, too, just for the music. It was stellar. And he was not difficult, just long. And the dungeon was not difficult, nor was it long. But now I'm in the castle which is looking more like a dungeon every second. NINE dungeons? It does not make sense!

Other than that... Yeah. I spent too much time staring at screens today. Now I am working on my picture of Misa as episodes 1-5 download in preparation for tomorrow. I don't think I've mentioned this, but R.G. kindly agreed to subject herself to a conversion attempt, so she's coming over tomorrow to watch episodes 1-8. R.B. may also come, but we're having trouble contacting him because he just got back from a cruise.
Scratch that, it doesn't seem that R.B. is coming. Too bad. ;;

Now, I did say I was drawing Misa, but in case that's not good enough for you, here's the Oocca I drew today on my flashgear board. Oocca are odd. They look like chickens with deformed heads, yet they are noble or special or something.
...At least, I'll be able to show you once my computer stops lagging.
......So, I heard you like Mudkips.
Okay, it's huge because it wouldn't load on my gaia page, so I had to go to my account and take the link from there. I might do that in the future; it' s a nice size.

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