
Where did this ambition come from?

The Undergrounders from my story decided to overthrow the Wizards' government. What the heck? Where did that ambition COME from? They're supposed to be based on the Twili, for goodness' sake! Augh.

This morning after I finished my computer lab Econ work I went wandering. I visited the Japanese Death Note site and found that one of the DVD covers contained a scene from freakin' 58. *hatred* And it was the biggest one pictured! *hatredhatredhatredanddistress* Hatred. And then I went to the English one and there was still no "Extras" (they've been "Coming Soon" since the beginning of the summer!). And. I went to Right Stuf to see if there was any merch--there was, by the way, but only one L thing, I mean seriously, grr--and. The novel was there. Coming out in February. So now I'm dealing with a search for a new dream... again.
This, and the whole 58 thing, resulted in an awful mood. It evaporated by lunch, though.

...Yeah, it makes me unhappy, but dang it, I'd been hoping. Is a demon, is a demon, is a demon. Dang it, how many times are you going to tell yourself that before you'll stop relying on hope? How could you ever get the novel? You're seventeen, no experience, no idea how the translating industry works. There's no reason whatsoever you should have been embracing a dream like that. You translated it and that should be more than enough for you.

That's all.

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