
Okay... I'll post.

Yesterday I did not post because we went to C&T's semifinal soccer game. They lost and it was cold and I had to spend a long time on the bus, but it wasn't as bad as I'm making it sound.
But it was cold.

Today I discovered that Christopher Ott (and by conscious extension, his real-person Chris Rubinsky) speaks in Cockney rhyming slang! I had no idea! This guy is amazing. It was his sky-snake Quartz that claimed its existence and encouraged me to further develop the crew of the Daedalus, resulting in the continued importance of sky pirates. Hurray!
In econ we did a rather interesting activity, led by a speaker from the Minnesota School of Business (look, a link)--"The Cost of Independence." It was about budgeting and how much one needs to make to be independent... I'll only need to make $16.98 an hour to live--with nice standards--independently witha roommate.
...That sounded just a little stupid, but whatever.
It was rather uplifting.
Also, I finished the picture of Eddis so I am presenting those to Sounis right now. Oh, would you like to see them as well?

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