
Well I have little better to do right now...

Technically I COULD be reading The Odyssey, but that's not due for another week...
I stole this from Sya, who stole it from this thread on NaNo.

1.) What is your character's name? Hieronymus Bisby.
2.) What does he/she look like? Short brown hair and a moustache. Average height--about 5'7. Weight is normal, and no, I don't have an estimate on that.
3.) Where does he/she live? I actually have not figured this out yet. I really should, since he's going to be road-tripping to where I live... How about a suburb of Chicago?
4.) How old is he/she? Twenty-seven.
5.) What time period does he/she live in? Modern.
6.) Does he/she have any relatives? Hmm... parents that he calls about once or twice a month? No siblings.
7.) What is his/her favorite color? brown or navy blue.
8.) What is his/her favorite food? No idea.
9.) What types of clothes does he/she wear? On the weekends, usually a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt. On weekdays, nice pants, collared shirt, and a blazer. Usually somewhere i the brown/tan spectrum
10.) Describe his/her pajamas: t-shirt and boxers.
11.) What is his/her favorite book? Hmm... something classical, something he would have read in school. I'm thinking Hemingway, but I've never actually read anything by Hemingway... (eep! Need to do that.)
12.) What is his/her favorite song/music genre? I'm really bad with genres. Slow rock? What does that sound like?
13.) How often does your character shower/brush his/her teeth? Showers every day before school. Brushes his teeth three times a day, including at school after lunch because he doesn't want to teach with crap stuck on his teeth.
14.) When was the last time he/she went out on a date? Hmmm... he dated another teacher-to-be for a while when he was a sophomore in college. They broke up because... Well, they didn't really break up. It sort of faded.
15.) Does he/she have allergies/asthma/some strange disease or susceptibility to disease? Nope.
16.) Does he/she play an instrument? No.
17.) Does he/she collect items? Nope.
18.) Does he/she have any friends? A few college friends, I guess... I guess I should probably involve one or two...
19.) If you could place your person in a high school, which groups would he/she "click" with? He's in a high school... but as a student, he'd probably gravitate towards the nerds/geeks without really standing out as one. An amateur geek.
20.) What hair styles does your character have? Boring ones. A little messy. I don't know how to describe guys' hair. ><
21.) If your character got lost in a forest, what would he/she do? Hmm... and this might actually turn out to be an important factor. He'd probably call someone and tell them, whether they could help him or not.
22.) If your character got flicked off by someone, what would he/she do? If it was a student, he'd probably discipline them by sending them to the principal or something. From one of the teachers, he'd feel hurt, possibly inadequate.
23.) If your character was asked out on a date by a random person, what would he/she do? ...He'd refuse, because he still has feelings for that girl he was going out in sophomore year, just because they never stated that it was over. Yeesh. (Some quick decisions about the girl: she studied abroad somewhere in Europe and got involved in a cushy ESL/teaching English as a language class over there, so she hasn't come back.)
24.) Does your character have any phobias? Nope.
25.) Does your character have a job/profession? Student teaching English at a high school.
26.) Is your character a morning person, or a late-night person? Both, he's still a student. xD;
27.) If your character met you, what would he/she say/do? Ahahahahahaha. I can't write that out, I need to wait. xD
28.) When is your character's birthday? I have no clue.
29.) What habits does your character have? Rubbing his temples when he's frustrated. He's a spectacular pencil-twirler. :D
30.) How would a character in your book who does not like this character describe him/her? A boring teacher. Despite his enthusiasm, he hasn't really developed a teaching style yet, so he's kinda boring.

Okay, I don't know where that girl came from. (Or, for that matter, where she is. Part of me wants to say the Netherlands.)

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