
I had a brilliant idea for a title earlier today.

It left.

And I don't... really feel like blogging right now. I'll try to muster something.
Here, see what I wrote this morning. The NaNo forums are open!

Dear Michelle,
Look, I'm sorry I never drew you, and I'm sorry I've been focusing on the other characters' characterization more, but really. That was no reason to turn evil. Seriously. I thought you and Myra got along, and now this.

Dear Muse,
I'm going to take a leap of faith here and assume you exist, because ideas are appearing in my head with charming regularity. However, I would like to be able to speak directly to you, so if you could appear and possibly name yourself, that'd be lovely.
If naming yourself is too much trouble, could you at least please HELP ME NAME MY NOVEL?!

Umm... remember those TP fanfictions that were going? This is the first one, the one that's set shortly after the series itself.
Anachron furrowed his brow. A thought was flitting on the edge of his mind; if he could just hold onto it for a second--
"Jindal," he said abruptly, turning to the Twilight god, who tweaked an eyebrow in reply. Slowly, Anachron asked, "How much of this did you plan?"
Jindal's face took on an inquisitive air. "Plan? How much of what? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, my Beast."
Anachron shook his head. "I think you do, though," he said. "Your intention in granting that higher potential was to restore the Twili to their former potential, wasn't it?"
"Of course."
"How could one person in a generation help that?"
When I started thinking about this part of the scene more, Anachron abruptly informed me that he was the one to realize this. (Or at least, to point it out. Din and probably Farore and Nayru already noticed, but they haven't said anything. Well, Din said a little.) I was surprised.

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