
We got a shock collar for Cody today.

We haven't put it on him yet, but it's because I took him for a walk and he decided to go for a run through the neighborhood. *wry smile*

So today I have been drawing Eddis. It's going... all right, I suppose. The curls look vaguely similar to curls. I suppose. But she's trying to be pretty! And she won't listen when I tell her she can't do that. >< *headdeskheaddesk*

I worked on my essay today~ I revised the structure, and it should work fine now.

Hrm... yep, I think those are just about the only interesting things that happened. We went to Anton's, which has spectacular food.

Sya--Yay for NaNo birthdays! When's yours? :D
Yeah, but at least it's SAT IIs and I won't have to write anything.
By the way, what is your NaNo name?

1 comment:

Sya said...

Mine is on the 11th. Which is nice because I have a terrible head for dates and I'd probably forget my own birthday if the numbers weren't so repetitive.

My Nano username is syaffolee. Or user ID 42 - also another easy number to remember, if you know anything about Douglas Adams.