
Rush rush part NI!

I must go study English or at least pretend to. Plus I have no idea what to write today. So.
Today was... pretty tame. Nothing exciting happened, except I told R. from my speech class, to whom I had previously explained Death Note, about the whole article fiasco yesterday and she was kind enough to at least feign interest/shock. R. is pretty awesome. :D She's weird like me and she enjoys SoUE. w00t. I have promised The Beatrice Letters to her at soonest convenience. Oh. And she plays the game, which I just lost. So unfortunately whenever I think of her I tend to think of the game. It's kinda inconvenient.
But yeah. That was pretty much the only interesting thing that happened to me today. Oh! But something interesting happened in physics; however, I'm not allowed to talk about it until tomorrow night or the College Board will EAT MY SOUL.
The end.


Snuffles said...

Dangit, quit making me lose! D:<


WallofIllusion said...

Well you just made me lose, too. DX
Every time I go into speech class, though... augh. XD It's getting frustrating. And I feel dumb.