
Slightly obligatory.

Sooooo 今日はさ。 Today nothing much happened... I got to school early because my sisters had to take a Spanish placement test thing, so I worked on my Kino fanfiction a whole bunch before first period. Homeroom was boring (there is no point to that class...); first period I took the mulit-choice section of a practice AP Eng Lang exam; second period was decent because we got to play with light in physics (and all the people who cared were in one corner, so it was rather nice, and that one girl who has maaajor senioritis only got annoying at the end), but then it got boring so I wrote out the lyrics to コロナ ("Corona;" it has a kanji title but I've never looked it up); speech was boring and easy; comp was odd because the sub had accidentally rewound the movie (Dead Poets' Society) we were in the middle of, so we had to find where we were. DX 帰ったら, (When I got home,) I started to put my manga on my new bookshelves but then decided to go on Gaia instead. >> << Then I had dinner and watched some Kino! (Research! Haha.)

Today will be writing again because I don't feel like going on flash-gear or anything. Once I get access to a scanner I can scan in doodles I do at school.
This is for my Kino fic.

"Hey, Kino."
Just before Kino could fall asleep, Hermes spoke.
"Hm?" the sleepy traveler responded.
"I remember you said something once," said the motorrad thoughtfully. "You said you would only stop traveling if you reached the end of the world."
Kino offered no extra comment.
"So what are you going to do now?" pressed Hermes.
There was silence for a few seconds.
"Kino? Kino!"
Kino had gone to sleep.

Now I must go studyyyyyyyy! Wait... I haven't any study materials. D: Oh well. To the internets, awaaaaay!

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