
Because trying to format MS Word is a pain.

I should be typing my speech outline right now, but 1) see title and 2) I'm not sure it'll be long enough, so I'm slightly worried.
So, as promised, the night entry!

I have decided that the thing I panicked over this morning is most likely an extended (if incredibly disturbing) coincidence--or I'll go with Death Note's early conspiracy theorists and say it would be some sort of covert government operation. In any case, that was two months ago, after all, and the demonstrators in Shibuya are probably conspiracy theorists themselves.
Edit: Okay, so I stand sheepishly corrected. It apears that it's a hoax that utilizes the BBC frame. That was freaky...

But DANGIT I wish I knew a Note fan here. Hmph. I wanted someone to tell about it all day.

In between doing physics, that is. (I just lost the game. Sorry.) I had physics pretty much all day, and that test was NOT FUN. NARGH. Other than that, I came home and chilled for a bit... haven't done much today.

So yarr. It's writing time.
This is from a little concept I've been working on (sorta), called Titanic II. We'll see how this thing comes out, and then I might explain more. (Or, as always, not.)

The man stared at the envelope in mild distaste. An envelope--and a heavy one at that, sealed with wax. Hand-written address.
"A Victorian," he muttered. "Why would a Victorian be writing to me?"
He slit the envelope open and squinted at the words inside. He'd learned to read at school, of course, but over the years since then the skill had faded from disuse. No one--no sensible person, in other words, no Modern--read anymore.
Still, with some effort, he began to read the letter:
Dear Sir:
You may have heard of a Victorian project that has, for the past two and a half years, consumed the minds of several of our most brilliant engineers and shipbuilders: a recreation of the famed, doomed ship, the H.M.S. Titanic. The new ship, Titanic II, is finally complete and will set sail on the 10th of April, Anno Domini 2112--the bicentennial of the Titanic's maiden voyage.
You have received this letter because your research on the R.M.S. Titanic is renowned world-wide. As such, you are invited to enjoy a first-class passage on the Titanic II with our compliments. On the voyage, you may enjoy both the luxury of the ship and the satisfaction of speaking with others who share your intellectual interests.
You are asked to take into consideration that this will be a Victorian voyage. Modern technology and clothing are severely prohibited. There will be Anti-Electronic Regulators in effect on board to make sure that this rule is followed; other than that, no Modern technology will be allowed. If necessary, Victorian clothing will be provided at request. Please write to [address which I don't feel like making up at the moment] to request such clothing, to learn more about this voyage, or to receive your ticket. We await your reply.
The Victorian History Committee

Hmmm... Nope, don't feel like adding any additional info. Chew on that for a bit. :3 Time for me to write the need step...

1 comment:

Snuffles said...

Ooh. Partow would like that. XD She loves Titanic.

And as it progresses, I would LOVE to draw a picture....-imagines Victorian theme-