
Hoist the colors high!

That's right, I saw Pirates today.

But allow me to start from the beginning.
I woke up at 5:45 as per always and then fell back asleep for about a half-hour. Then I managed to get myself out of bed to finish up the Kino fic. Except for, of course, the descriptions and the guns. Will probably translate the patterns for those tomorrow during first period.
Sono ato... Cleaned my room a bit. Then gave up on that, read some of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, lazed around. Worked on the paper I have to do for Comp. Read some more. Then we went to see Pirates.
Oh! And I dressed up. I wore my... ummmm... that one skirt. With the grommets. whichsomepeoplecallabondageskirtaaaaahT_Tnotmyfault And that lacy black top that I can't wear to school. And my black/white striped tights. And a bandana. And lots of eyeliner. Twas fun.

Did my writing duty. You'll get to meet Koshakk soon, I promise.


Anonymous said...

Pirates confused me. I need to see it again to enjoy it, I think.

Mwaahaha I've dicovered I can leave comments on here.

So are you thinking of getting a dog? That's exciting!

WallofIllusion said...

Jen: Yeah, it kinda confused me too. I got utterly lost as to whom I was supposed to be supporting at one point. XD

Yeah, I didn't realize before that it was set to "No anonymous." >_>

Yup. x3 It'll be fun.