
_Welcome to the Ark_ and more cheerful matters.

This is a book I bought... at some point. Maybe at the same time I bought Book Thief. I think so. In any case.

Basic premise: there are four children--to be specific, two children and two teenagers--who are at this "Research and Rehabilitation" home. A private nuthouse, one of the girls explains. These four children are then further set apart in a "Global Family Group Home Project." Each of these four are extremely intelligent, and they also have extrasensory powers. (Or extra-special powers, if you prefer.) There are similar organizations around the world. They have been gathered to use their powers and intelligence to protect the world from a growing darkness that manifests itself in violence and destruction worldwide.

It's an excellent book--just my type, really. I love books that take place in a nuthouse, and then the ESP is great, too. But I think what I liked most of all is what they're fighting against. The growing darkness of the world. I often feel like the world is heading downhill on a slope that grows steeper and steeper. Violence escalates. The world falling into darkness, eventually reaching a point where it can't get any worse. At that point, I suppose, we'll blow ourselves up with all the nuclear weapons we've stockpiled.

Yeah, I'm a real ray of sunshine ね。

All that aside.
This morning I worked on some of the Kino fic. I think I might type some of that up for you. Also, there were two ducks in our yard. They were very cute and very fun to watch. A husband and wife male duck and a female duck. Later I saw another male and female duck pair, and I wondered if they were the same ones. *emo tear* Deserting us like that.

Actually, sorry. I've vetoed the idea of posting some of the Kino fic here. But I did do my writing duty today, so there. >> << style="FONT-STYLE: italic">Ark has a sequel, but I haven't read it yet.

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