
Arabic Numeral... how _undignified_.

Today was not so bad.
First period was loverly. You'll get to see what I did as soon as you reach the end of this entry.
Second period was physics. Hence, it was obviously not loverly. I am so utterly over physics.
Speech was... rather unfun. Yes, automatic spellcheck, I know that's not a word. Gosh, learn some newspeak. XD Though "unfun" and "double unfun" are probably the only newspeak things you'll catch me using... Ohh, I know. I bet it's the new Mozilla which I just downloaded. Pardon while I turn that off... There... I think it worked? No, it didn't. Grr. Stop that! It's only blogspot... WTH? That's your name. It's not spelled wrong. Jeesh.
Anyway. Back on topic. (We had a topic?) After speech which was long came comp which was not as bad. We're doing Oedipus Rex, have I said that yet? So it's rather easy, seeing as how I've read it already...
After school I did nothing much... As usual... Lazy girl. Looked at steampunk images. Lazy girl.

So. What did I do during first period today?
I did this.

Jackson stood on the deck with his head arrogantly cocked to the side—as much as he could muster, at least. But this clothing—the Victorian abomination—was tight, and as uncomfortable as he could imagine. He hadn’t know that clothing could be capable of keeping one’s back as straight as a hard wooden chair (and those had gone out of fashion decades ago).

To be sure, the ship looked pretty. Her deck was quite accurate, according to the many pictures and diagrams he’d seen through the computer. But this, too, seemed like no more than a picture, especially with the people milling around in old-fashioned clothing. If it weren’t for the sensation of his own uncomfortable clothing, Jackson would have thought he was in a particularly effective virt system.

That feeling lasted only until he made his way to the Grand Staircase.

He entered the hall, and his heart rate quickened perceptibly. The staircase was a stunning sight. And it was real. Polished oak glowed warmly with the light from above—natural light, real light that gave everything a defined, solid shape. His gaze drifted upward; through the domed glass and iron ceiling, he could see the sun.

This was no photo; it was no virtual reality. It was real reality.

Jackson thought he would faint. Light-headed, he took entranced steps towards the staircase itself, pausing at the landing to observe the famous carving.

“Honor and Glory crowning Time,” he recited in a murmur as he beheld the woodwork. It showed two women from a time even before that of the original Titanic, clad in long, simple gowns, adorning a clock. There was beauty in this, beauty so great that for a moment, he didn’t even think to look at the time.

How very un-Modern of him—Moderns were all about the time: time meaning the hour, the minute, the second. The early, the late. The demanding side of time.

But Honor and Glory were crowning the other side of time—the fuller, more infinite sense of the concept. They revered the timelessness of Time.

Of course, even when Jackson did focus his attentions on the clock in the center, he found with a very unpleasant lurch that he could not understand it. Roman numerals [check this] he barely knew, but he had never learned to read an analog clock—digitals were so much more convenient. They could be read at a glance; they wasted less time.

He found that most of the feeling of reality had abruptly disappeared; the pure antiquity of the clock had left him feeling like an observer of something fake, reproduced, flat. A retouched image.
Jackson being the Modern researcher who you've met previously. That's right--he has half a name now! Hurray! If I get any more serious about this, he may even gain another half a name! Amazing! And maybe he'll even get a middle name! Then he'll have three halves of a name. That would be odd.

Description of scenery is, honestly, unusual for me. I never spend time on it in fanfiction because the scenery is rarely important... Well, I suppose that's not quite true. In "Necessity" I gave a bare-bones description of Near's apartment; in "Noel" a brief commentary on the church. Though I remember having difficulty on the church description... Still, it's not my forte. Furthermore, in most fanfiction cases, if scenery does happen to be important, it'll be something the readers are already familiar with. Example--the dock in Choking (it has chapters... am I allowed to italicize it?).

I guess that'll just be something I'll need to work on. :3

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