
Ahahahaheh. >_>;

I am currently using my blog as a way to avoid answering a very detailed and lovely comment on "Lie"! I am bad at responding to comments.

So, today I finished OO-8 (hurray!), posted Lie and the novel-based fanfiction, and then went to my sisters' soccer tournament. It was cold so I stayed in the van memorizing Word Disassociation. Then we went to Perkins, which was brilliantly mediocre... our food took forever to arrive, and Mother received the wrong sandwich, but overall the food was tasty...

Ah, wait. An idea have I.
It's Show (his spelling, not making it up) and L! Which became an unintentional pun when I typed it into the file name. Show I drew quite a while ago (during Comp class... but you guessed that), but L I drew today. It is on a... you know those thingies they put around the napkin/silverware to keep it together? Yeah. One of those. The text around him is from Lie, though I messed up on the evil bit. What, I wrote the thing a month ago.
Ignore the looming camera shadow of doom. And the grammar. Unless you like stuff like that.

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