
I totally did NOT just walk into the wall.

What are you talking about?

Today was just as bobbleheaded as yesterday.
Which means not in the slightest.

So I woke up, typed a tiny bit of the Kino fanfiction, and then... went upstairs and slept some more. *sweatdrop* I swear, this is just a really bad month. I almost fainted during church, too. O_O But it was really boring there. And we had to sight-sing the hymns. D:

Meh... today was just a boring day all around. Didn't do much, really.
I should write but I don't know what to write.
I did make you something, though.
She's standing in front of the light from a window, if you can't tell.
This was inspired by a hallway in Mickey's Magical Mirror, embarrassingly enough.

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