
I speak nonsense fluently.

So 今日はね。(About today.)

When I woke up, I went through one of my incomplete-fanfiction-storing file, weeding a bit and looking at things that weren't finished. That inspired me to finally finish "An American Family," a fanfiction regarding normal people (gasp!) in Death Note. You can have a piece.
That's what I did first period--finished AF. Then I was going to work on the translation-needed parts of Kino, but I forgot that the school's proxy blocks WWWJDIC. HATRED. That made me quite unhappy. So I read Alice Through the Looking Glass.

Second period was the physics final. It was easy and boring.

Third was impromptu speeches. I didn't have to go today, but I timed a whole bunch.

Fourth was the Comp Oedipus timed essay. It went pretty well.

Right now I am listening to dj Tsar 404. I love that guy. Here's his purevolume: http://www.purevolume.com/djtsar404 and here's his official site: http://www.djtsar404.com/ The official site is new, so there's not a whole lot on it yet, but he's amazing.

Other than that... American Family.
You get the youngest boy, because that's what I wrote today.

This is an American family, and they are watching the vice president's announcement on television.

The youngest of the family is a mere seven years old.

The vice president's announcement doesn't mean much to him. At his tender age, he does not have any real opinion on Kira, hostile, idealistic, or otherwise. To him, Kira is simply there. Kira has always been there—for as long as this little boy can remember.

Kira made his first appearance in the world when this boy was two, and Kira has been a constant topic ever since. He plays "Kira and L" with the other boys at school; sometimes he's Kira, and sometimes he's L. And sometimes he hams it up as one of Kira's ill-fated victims. It doesn't matter. It's just like a war game; boys will be boys.

And Kira will always be there.

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