
Least that I could do, in memory of you...

Well. So this morning in first period, I read a lot of Airborn, and then, as i wrote into my Gaia thread,
"For a brief bit I tried to get some description of T-II in, but when I went to find a picture of the Grand Staircase on google, the internet exploded. Yeah. That was kinda weird. (YGOA quote FTW?) And it happened repeatedly. You really need to stop doing that. (No, YOU do.) In any case I became distracted by looking at info for the game. DANGIT I just lost. And thats not the game I was talking about. I was talking about the Titanic: Adventure Out of Time video game. T______________T I missssssssss iiiiit. So much! T___T Give it back! (It was never yours.) (If it had been, I wouldn't have this problem, now would I?)"
Other than that... physics was mild, speech actually got kind of funny. Was talking with R.G. and R.B. (XD; we're like a trio...) at the beginning of class and we were talking about how pies would lead to world peace but then people would make Atomic Parsley and Mushroom Pies. (Mushroom for the clouds, parsley because R.B. has a program called "Parsley is atomically delicious.") Then at the end of the class, we were talking about putting masking tape on one's forehead to remind one to speak slowly during a speech, so we made up a bunch of raaandom answers to the question "What's that on your forehead?" It was very odd.

I feel slightly strange having random conversations like that with here-people. (XD Heeeeere people! Heeeere, people! Come'ere!) It'll be worse next year when I have to carry out senior year activities for a school that I have no attachment to whatsoever. I feel scorn for that school and will stubbornly continue to feel scorn. I am an LCC student. I will always be an LCC student. Which, of course, is utter nonsense.

Other than that... comp was fairly nice. We did not much. :D We watched some of Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and I drew Aslan. Aslan is beautiful. Aslan is the reason lions used to be my favorite animals. Oh, and before that I drew L talking about being kicked to death by donkeys.
After school, I went to Esther's Circle, a girls' Bible study which I guess I haven't mentioned in here before. It was quite nice. And now here I am. Before I got access to this computer, I was rereading some old fanfictions in which I had characterized Near as almost-emotional. Which means that mode is sort of in my head right now..

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