
はじめまして And Hello.

I decided I'd like to get involved in blogging. I've never done any such thing before, so it should be interesting.
I'll pick a theme for this later. For now, I think I may use it as a creativity journal--maybe one sketch or writing piece per day?

As my title may alert you, this blog may be half-Japanese at times. If I feel like it, I may offer translations. Maybe. Maybe not though.

Why don't I start with a little writing?
Parting is sweet sorrow once, and once only. After that, when you meet new faces and part again, it's nothing, because you want it to be nothing. These people are new faces, and they are only an instant on your short-term memory. Soon they will fade, because you have no room for them. Your mind is too absorbed in attempting--perhaps futilely attempting--to cling to the old to have room for the new.

An explanation:
Japanese 102 wrapped up today. Most of the class was sad to be parting. I slipped out early.
We had curry. I hate cumin.

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