
Serious practice of flute = good.

Sorry for the lack of entry yesterday. There was a storm that started right around nine, so we turned off the computers. (I don't know why those things are connected, but they are.) The storm was fantastic. Didn't really do much yesterday, anyway. Oh wait! Yes I did! I looked at college stuff! Not that that got me anywhere. But I did look at it.

Today when I awoke I got dressed and had breakfast pretty much right away so I could go walking with Mom&Dad&Cody. We are doing it again tomorrow.
Then I watched some Azu; then I got my hair trimmed for my senior pictures which are on Thursday; then we went clothing shopping--most of the clothes I got were senior-picture clothes, and therefore not really me, which is a pity, but I may be able to work with some of them, and I got this super-cute Cheshire Cat tee--then the rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing. I played DDR--played yesterday too--due to a brief thought of creating an advice thread in the F&S on Gaia, which naturally would have required my picture, I have suddenly become paranoid about my stomach region. Expect a sudden increase in exercise. I wanna be SKINNY! Not average, skinny.
Other than that, I have FINALLY taken some real initiative on the whole flute deal. I found a video by James Galway--he's a famous flute player; I actually received a CD of his for Christmas a year or two ago, though I haven't actually listened to it much--in which he's teaching a bunch of people good embouchure. So I'm watching that obsessively. I've also decided that when I'm doing nothing, I'll practice! Hmm... what if I were to practice embouchure while watching anime? Ooou, ii ka mo! (This is a quote from Kagura in Azu, but I don't know what episode. I just hear her voice.) *is motivated*

That's about it.
I think I've probably mentioned this before, but TWILIGHT PRINCESS IS FREAKING BEAUTIFUL.
I'm not talking like just the people are beautiful. Sometimes the scenery absolutely takes my breath away.
Sled-racing on Snowpeak as it changes from night to morning.
The fishing hole in general.
The Sacred Grove, once you get that freaking Skull Kid out of the way, is also beautiful.
Yeah. That's my shpiel for the day. I don't feel like tagging this entry, but I guess I'll type in "flute" at least.
EDIT: How on earth could I forget?
God answers prayers. He absolutely does.
Yesterday night I was mourning the fact that I had yet to seriously apply myself to flute practice despite a desire to play and praying about it, though I will willingly admit that I was being just a bit whiny to God. The whole discouragement thing has made me whiny. Then I prayed something like this,
"Please, God, give me the ability tomorrow. Or if not the ability, a sign that everything will be all right."
Today I was thinking about it, and both requests are selfish; they depend too much on God and don't leave any responsibility with me. So I revised my prayer into one that God would give me the motivation.

He has done so.
He has given me patience and motivation and--hope. Not my cynical idea of hope, but God-hope, the one that can't possibly be a demon because if God gives you hope then He will never betray that.

Thank you, God.

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