
Isn't it pretty?

Wheeee! I messed with the layout. Details:
->Based on the basic "Minima" layout
->Picture by my sisters... I think? Taken at the Del Mar Fair several years ago. It was almost deleted, but I saw this and a few like it and was like, "PRETTY. I KEEP. Sooner or later I'll find a use for them." And I did!
->+background image and +opacity were learned from layouts found at pyzam.com
->I've still got more to do.

Other than that... Well, I went to my sisters' soccer game today. They're on varsity now, and T.'s the starting keeper! *oozes pride* And they won, 4-2, against the team that took second place in the state last year~ *oozes more pride*
My parents finally got furniture into the front room of our house. It looks really pretty!
Lots of Neopets time today, mostly spent stuffing things into my Safety Deposit Box for the packrat avatar (1000 unique items in SDB DX). Then someone's shop had a link to lookup help ->looking at Neopets lookups -> wondering how to edit my blogger -> looking at blog layouts ->editing!

So anyway guess what.
Twilight Princess time. Man, this thing needs a name...
Spoilers as always. And lots of speculation in this one... though I could very easily argue in support of my speculation. But really this is just so much elaborate nonsense.
The goddesses were silent for a moment. Farore was the first to speak.
"You are still fairly young. Where does your level of sentience fall, compared to your people?"
Midna blinked. "I--"
"She is an outlier," Jindal interrupted smoothly, "and I can explain that. For generations, I have watched with dismay as the Twili degenerate. I knew there had to be something I could do--but with my power, all I could do was bless one person each generation with greater potential
than the others had and hope that that helped. Midna was my choice this time."
"And Zant before me?" There was a hint of accusation to Midna's voice.
Jindal gave a rueful smile. "I granted him intelligence when you were born, hoping that he would be a good tutor for you. Apparently the sudden change did not agree with him, though. It was a bad choice on my part. I owe apologies to everyone here."
Mmmrf. I'm having trouble.

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