
I have great faith in Midna's hair.

No, that doesn't have anything to do with the fanfiction. It has to do with wrestling Cody. (And if you can make that connection, then you get a medal. *gives medal*)
The font is different. *distressed* The pretty pretty writing font that I always loved... Where has it gone?
In other news, apparently I do not got it memorized. Though I did think it was funny. ("Inquiring fangirl minds want to know: where can they find an AXLETREE?" I do not believe you when you say that is a word, O clockwork grundo boss. In fact I think you stop using real words around level three.)

So anyway.
We went walking this morning, and I finished 1984, and I really hate their HTML formatting and since the text isn't pretty any more I might as well just type in here. Worked on flute today... I can play things again. My octave control is seriously lacking, but I can play things again. But really my octave control is awful. - 3-; And I wasn't paying as much attention to jaw position as I should have. But... I was playing things! Like the Kino opening and ending and the harp from Don't want you no More and the beautiful Hyrule Castle music.[/gush] And mother is going to ask the band director for flute tutor recommendations... That should be nice.
OMGPRETTYTEXTCAMEBACK. I must have somehow... sou. I was in html for no reason.XD Silly girl.

"My side?" Midna turned her face towards the goddesses, but it seemed to Anachron that she didn't meet any of their eyes. "Honestly, I guess it started with something that Zant said. That we, the Twili, had regressed over the generations and knew no desire... Before he said that, I had accepted my people as they were, naively calling their lack of will 'peace.' But now... it's like my eyes have been opened. I see evidence of the regression. I look at the elders of my people and compare them to the young... it's clear that the elders have more mental potential. But even the oldest don't have the intelligence and self-awareness it would have taken to reorganize the tribe and create the Twili's lore. We are not what we once were."
Midna paused; then she folded her arms and turned her gaze downward. "There was a Twili child born only a few days ago," she said softly. "I went to see her; it's customary for the royal family to pray over newborns. And when I looked into her eyes... I saw nothing. It was like looking into glass marbles. I don't know why, but with that single glance I felt certain that that child will never be able to speak or have any complex thoughts. She's not a person, she's something less... something empty..."
Anachron touched her shoulder sympathetically. That touch seemed to strengthen her; she raised her eyes to look at each goddess in turn. "Please," she said. "If I have any right at all to make a request of the world of Light's goddesses... help my people."

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