
Lup-ba bup-bup, ba da da dap dup bup-bup

That's from "In the Whirlpool," the DDR: Mario Mix song based on Pomp and Circumstance. It's in my head. Thoroughly.

Sorry about not writing yesterday. I was doing several things. First, I was watching the Death Note anime. That's right; Viz has finally made the downloads available! And despite the fact that I signed up for a newsletter that was supposed to inform me of updates, I only found out by browsing! Hmph. Viz is worthless at times. Often, rather.
But the anime was... well, despite my sarcasm, it was not that bad. It has drawn me in. D: I didn't mean to want to watch all of it--I only bought 6-8, the e
pisodes they have so far that L is in--but I like it more today than I did yesterday, and I think I'll probably wind up watching most, if not all of it. (There's always a possibility it won't be all. At the moment, episodes 15 and 25 receive wariness from me.)

But more importantly!
I was a) arranging plans with Snuffles and b) buying tickets for MY VISIT TO CALIFORNIA! Woo hoo! I have the tickets now! I'm coming from the 13th to the 18th. I can't wait!

That aside.

Today I... what did I do today? Well, I looked after Cody a LOT. That's pretty much the bulk of what I did. Though I did spend some time revising the translations of LABB. To my frustration, the sentences that were hard before continue to be hard. D:

I bet you're just itching for some writing from me. But first, this is my roo

And these are my shelves:Yup, all that on the left is manga. I apologize for the messiness. D:
I'm going to paint the walls pale pink eventually.

Okay. Writing. This is going to be a little random.
Clutching her elegant shrug around her shoulders, Rae slipped into the dingy restaurant.
In her graceful midnight blue dress and softly curled hair, she was overdressed and she knew it; but she hadn't been able to bring herself to dress as casually as she knew the rest of the girls would. This was an end-of-the-year banquet for the team. A banquet. Surely an event like that deserved a little primping.
It wasn't like the gap between her and the rest of the team could get any wider, anyway.
But, Rae noted with a rueful glance around, she may have dressed too extremely even for the restaurant. She couldn't help but think the place shabby. Maybe on a sunny day, it would have been prettier, but with these overcast skies the tables looked gray rather than white, and nothing shone like it should have.
Rae reported her affiliation to the host, a bored-looking young man who lazily turned away and led her to the room her team had reserved. None of the girls wasted more than a second's glance on her when she entered, but she saw them roll their eyes and snicker amongst themselves.
She sat down in an unobtrusive corner of the table and crossed her legs at the ankles, shifting her shrug again. Loathe to watch the team gossip, she tipped her head back to gaze at the ceiling.
There was a chandelier.
Against the dirty, peeling paint of the ceiling, it seemed lonely and defiant, struggling to bring some beauty to this two-star restaurant. It glimmered and sparkled warmly. In Rae's imagination (which even she would admit was overactive), it seemed like a palace made of gold and crystal.
Rae looked at her team once more and a dry dislike came into her eyes briefly. Then she looked back into the chandelier and wrapped herself in an imagining.
Umm... I'll continue that tomorrow, maybe. It's just about bedtime for me now.

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