
Superblanket aside, I'm COLD!

I don't think I've mentioned superblanket yet. It's a blanket that kind of makes a robe... er... It's hard to explain. But it is incredible. And if I set it aside, I really WILL be cold. >.> <.<

Anyway. First day of the new semester. My classes: Calculus, College Geography, Creative Writing (kyaaaaaaah! <3) and band. I can't wait to start writing in CW.

Siiigh... SYL and AL have such lovely, organized, thoughtful blogs, and mine are just like... BLAAAAAAAAAAAARGH mindvomit.
And I'm consistently too lazy to do ANYTHING about that, so here we are.


Soh-Yeon Lee said...

your honest writing is strikingly beautiful. and i love the way you referred to me as SYL. no one says that, although i personally think it's legit. haha others will simply say i'm SL. i love it!!


p.s- i realized that <33333 doesn't really make sense.

also, you spell realized, realised.
but it's realiZed. i thought i would let you know.


WallofIllusion said...

I actually got that from Snuffles. XD She always says SYL.


...Where? I didn't use the word realize...
&They spell it as "realised" in Great Britain, anyway. xDD