
Well so far today has been FAIL.

The morning was nice enough, but I spent the whole day thinking it was Tuesday rather than Wednesday and just barely made it to the first required program of the day. -Karmabreak- I bought one of my Japanese books--the speaking one--AND THERE ARE NO KANA OR KANJI TO BE FOUND, IT IS ALL ROMANJI AND IT MAKES MY BRAIN ACHE. I mean different romanization style aside, it's simply annoying to read large paragraphs of text broken up by... exactly nothing. Sigh.
I did sample the cafeteria food. Not too bad, nothing to write home about, but the format fascinates (the poor naive) me. You slide your card and then you go in and eat. You can eat as many things as you want while you're in there. Even cake! There's cake. It's no lie. I have suddenly come to understand the freshman fifteen. (No, seriously, before I was like, but we're poor, how can we get fat? But now I get it!)
But anyway.
When I came back from the mandatory program, I tried to get into my room and the thing was like pssssssh no. So. I went down to talk to the security lady who got me on hold with Panter Central and that took like a half-hour. At one point we were actually talking to Panther Central but the guy must have accidentally hit hang up instead of hold, so we had to start over, and that was epic fail so I had to ask my RA. But anyway, now I'm in my room.
Though I'm a little frustrated. I was going to get my free/cheap software today and wound up not doing that. (Painter for $5? Um, yesplz.) Also, I was going to go to a program on Personal Student Finance, but it started while I was on hold with Panther Central, so here I am on Kage-chan. After the next two mandatory programs I might go to a social thing but I might be too tired. By then the place with the computer stuff will be closed. Grr.

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