

Stolen from a dA journal...

-----------• × • A L L | A B O U T | M E • × •--------------

- Name: xxxxxx
- Single or taken: Are we talking my heart, or like, an actual relationship?
- Gender: Female
- Birthday: Nov 2nd.
- Sign: Scorpio
- Hair color: dishwater blonde. Icky.
- Eye color: Green...ish?
- Height: 5'5"
- Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight.

-----------• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •--------------

- favourite place to shop for clothes?: Umm... Target, TJ Maxx, DEB

- Favorite designer?: No idea.

- What is your sexiest outfit?: I don't have sexy clothes....

- What is your most comfortable outfit?: I actually need to find a new pair of comfy pants...

- What do you usually wear?: jeans & t-shirt... blah.

--------------• × • S P E C I F I C S • × • -------------------

- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Suave
- What are you listening to right now?: Nothing.
- Who is the last person that called you?: :o! R.B.
- How many buddies are online right now?: Not sure, I'm not signed in.

-------------• × • F A V O R I T E S • × •-----------------

- Foods: Pasta
- Girls names: Hmmm... not sure.
- Subjects in school: English, Japanese, art classes.
- Animals: I love kitties. <33
----------------• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •-------------

- Given anyone a bath?: When I was babysitting a kid, yes. He kept flashing me... (He was very little. xD;;;)
- Smoked?: No. Heavens, no.
- Bungee jumped?: Sounds scary.
- Made yourself throw up?: Nope.
- Skinny dipped?: Nope.
- Ever been in love?: Shhhhh.
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No.
- Pictured your crush naked?: Um, no.
- Actually seen your crush naked?: No.
- Cried when someone died?: Yes.
- Lied: We will stop enhancing the truth in 3... 2... asdcvkja[p
- Fallen for your best friend?: No.
- Rejected someone?: O-once. ;~; And I still feel bad about it...
- Used someone?: Absolutely not.
- Done something you regret?: Constantly.

------------• × • C U R R E N T • × •--------------

- Clothes: purple shiny tank top, jeans, gray light sweatshirt
- Desktop picture: The official Portal companion cube one. Just switched this morning. c:
- CD in player: the songs from freshman year...
- DVD in player: Umm... not sure.
----------------• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •----------------------

- You touched: Probably B.B.
- Hugged: No clue.
- You IMed: I'm gonna guess SYL.
- Talk to online: Mata... SYL.
- Sex it up with: N/A.
---------------• × • A R E | Y O U • × •---------------------

- Understanding: Yes.
- Open-minded: Yeah.
- Arrogant: Ahahaha. >___>
- Insecure?: YESYESYES.
- Random?: When I get really tired, I lose all interest in trying to make sense...
- Hungry: Not right now.
- Smart: Yup.
- Moody: Yes. Ridiculously, obnoxiously so.
- Hard working: ...I procrastinate.
- Organized: I wish I were.
- Shy: Yes... less so thatn I once was, though.
- Difficult: Nope... I can be a doormat sometimes.
- Bored easily: Meh, so-so.
- Obsessed: Yes.
- Angry: Right now? No.
- Sad: Not at the moment.
- Happy: -shrug-
- Hyper: Occasionally~
- Trusting: Fairly trusting, yes...

---------• × • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • × •--------

- Kill?: No one who's actually alive.
- Slap?: Alfred R. Khan. >:C And anyone who thinks it's a good idea to abort a cleft lip baby.
- Get really wasted with?: No one.
- Get high with: No one.
- Talk to offline: R.B.
- Talk to online: T.Y., A.L.
- Sex it up with: ...N/A.

------------------• × • R A N D O M • × •---------------------

- In the morning I: have a hard time getting ready for school. SENIORITIS HAS ME.
- Love is: akjsdf;aiosvnapwerfj*headdeskheaddeskheaddesk*
- I dream about: new things I did that day. Interestingly, I tend to dream about video games on the first day I play them... Not so much afterwards.
- Sexual preference: guys.
- What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: Personality, mainly, I think.

---------------• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • × ---------------

- Coke or Pepsi: Root Beer.
- Flowers or candy: Flowers are more romantic, while candy is more... edible.
- Tall or short: Tall.

---------------• × • W H O • × • ---------------

- Makes you laugh the most: R.B., B.B., T.Y....
- Makes you smile: My friends...
- Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: THAT IS A NAISHO, kthx

--------------• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •-----------------

- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: That special someone? No.
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Not really.
- Wish you were younger: No, I'm fine with my age.
- Cry because someone said something to you?: Hmm... no.
-----------• × • N U M B E R • × •--------------

- Of times I have had my heart broken: None, so far...
- Of guys I've kissed: And the grand total is... ZERO.
- Of girls I've kissed: None...
- Of CD's I own: Like... twenty. Or something.
- Of scars on my body: XP


Unknown said...

Aw I love reading these things! Mihael and Nathaniel are your fav boy names, of course, of course. [: and i laughed at "coke or pepsi: root beer". Its so true. xDD Wahh I miss you so much!!! ;; I hope I can catch you online soon! Take care!!! <3333

Anonymous said...

Nicely done, Rachel! Very nice.... :P