
070510 Ummm...

I dreamt I was one of the kids going to stop Medusa from reviving the Kishin?
The scene was completely different. I was going down a staircase (the Cathedral's?) to get to the basement, and I saw Stein at one point and he told me which floor I was headed to, so I went there. (Brain!! What are you doing!! Stein!! Was right there!! Ugh!! Stupid world-saving priorities.) There was a staff member there who said that students with a certain... major, I suppose? would need to have special qualifications to get in, but since I wasn't that major, it was all good! |D
So I went in there, and it looked more like... the lava area near the end of Super Mario Sunshine. Medusa was standing... on a table... drinking something... I hopped from table to table and kicked the glass out of her hands. I remember it shattering. But eventually the Kishin woke up anyway. So we... escaped with it? o_O And then it turned out that it was some sort of weird DBZ-SE fanfiction because somehow the Kishin was Vegeta or something.

Ladies and gentlemen, my brain.

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