
122009 ...crap, it's fading...

I don't remember my most recent dream. :/ I remembered it just fine a minute ago...
I do remember that earlier I dreamt I was hanging out with JN again. At one point she wanted to take a shower. And she said that the showers in Avalon had pig urine in them. (Yeah, I don't even know.)
Alsooo there was some MedusaxStein in one of 'em. I'm not surprised. Due to finding a stash of fanart for the two, my cute, fluffy MariexStein mood flew away (and now I'm thinking it's more platonic anyway, which seems very, very reasonable to me). But I was just sitting outside a house and I hear someone playing a vertical flute or a recorder or something (non-melodically). It was Medusa (just Medusa, incidentally, blond and legal), and it summoned a (clearly insane-mode) Stein inside. Two thoughts: one, that was a really stupid place for me to be, wasn't it? What was I doing there? And two: isn't it a little backwards for the snake to be acting like a snake-charmer...? (Don't get me wrong, I applaud my brain; it got the dynamic right, and there IS flute music in "Lady of Gorgon." That's just an amusing irony I noticed now.)
Umm what else. I dreamed about a Japanese class in the last week of the semester. It was rainy. I went to spend dining dollars in the Union and spotted some of my Act class tomodachi there. Um, Sanders-san, Vera-san, and Martell-san I believe. For some reason, when we left the Union (into the rain) we were alllll the way out past the Cathedral and had to get to class, so we ran. Well, I ran; they didn't. There was construction; I had to rush at some of the lights.

But there was something else, something I dreamt more recently, but I can't remember...

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