
121109 You lose some, YOU WIN SOME EPICALLY

A few snippets.
Showing J.N. Soul Eater. I was watching something that I thought was from an early episode except it showed Justin and Azusa (but not Marie, for some reason) and everyone was in cages but Stein wasn't. Probably a bad thing... I was whining about Blair to J.N. -kicks Blair in the face-

I think this is the correct place in the order for this? I dreamt I was packing to go home. My family was there already, even though I still had essays to write. My mother was talking with someone else about homosexuality; she said she didn't mind homosexuality as long as they worked towards being straight. And then she quoted a story in John that proved John had something against women. Unrelated... Though the former is quite possibly my mother's actual stance on the matter, which would be problematic.

Electrolux. (If I still dream about that place once it stops being relevant to my life, I am going to be so ticked.) I had to put two zip-ties together and screw something down. I was horrendous at it. I got so stressed about the supervisor standing over me that my brain went, "Wait. This is a dream. I don't have to put up with this," and woke up. Good call, brain, good call.

BUT my brain has redeemed itself. Because when I fell back asleep, I dreamt that I was watching some performances at my school somewhere. What were some of the scenes from? The King of Attolia. !!!1!!1!<3<3<3<3<3 They started with Relius's betrayal, around "Have him arrested. Now." They got Relius wrong though--he came in and lounged right next to the King and Queen, which would not be accurate even under the best of circumstances, which those are not. I bemoaned this to my friends, and they told me to hush (and stop rolling around on the floor in joy, Sakaki-and-Mayaa style). My brain gets half points on this part: it remembered that Relius always wears a velvet cape and put that in, but it was not "short" and I'm fairly certain it wasn't wine red.
Still. *rolls around on the floor in joy*
Afterward I went to the... head of whatever organization was putting on the plays, and told them I was so happy they'd done KoA. She said she'd noticed, and I said I wasn't much of an actor but if they were going to keep doing that then I'd sure as heck audition.

1 comment:

Admin said...

Wow... My dream last night had something to do with faster-than-light particles, and I had to somehow mentally simulate their trajectories and explain how they could influence one another without messing up Special Relativity. It got to the point that my head started buzzing/overheating from overwork, at which point I woke up... at 5am. Thanks to my fever/sickness for that one.