
HP Fanfiction and China

Two dreams for you again this morn. First was something about a Ginny-centric fanfiction. Probably thanks to my read of http://www.sugarquill.net/read.php?storyid=1026&chapno=1 , though this was far less canon. Faaaaar less. Ginny was late getting to Hogwarts and there was some money issue for some reason. On my first read-through and up to my first review, I didn't mind, but the second time I was realizing that Ginny had amounts of money she shouldn't, and I left a second review saying so.

The other dream took place on a cold, rainy day around here. I think I was walking with ベラさん, バーティクさん, and ハロルドさん. We wanted to get back to our dorms without getting cold and rainy--hmm, snowy, actually, come to think of it--so we went to cut through Posvar/DL, but apparently, some bigwigs from China were in town and somehow we angered them by being where we were (isn't it a little late for G-20 stress dreams?). So we had to take an elevator up to talk to this--he started as a guy, kinda young, who made us fill out this paperwork while rambling about how dangerous we could be. ベラさん's phone rang, and she answered it, and apparently that was going to get her in trouble later on because her phone pinged her home phone, making... something happen. On the paperwork, there was a lot about accusations of rape or something. HB-san was in the military in my dream and was carrying his ("his") gun with him--never mind that that's illegal on campus--which he had to show to the Chinese guy. I worried that would get us all in trouble, or at least him. At some point, the young Chinese guy changed into an old Chinese guy who went on this rant about how we were dangerous to China if we so much as thought Japan was nice, which was not ideal. XD On the back side of the paper, there were lots of questions about how we felt about Japanese and Korean pop culture. I lied on them because I didn't want to be called again because I wasn't a threat to China. Eventually the guy made a third transition, this time to a Chinese woman in a red shirt. She mentioned that she'd lost children to... whatever it was they were being all suspicious of, and I told her that was hard to beat (in terms of reasons to be suspicious). I tried to tell her I was sorry for her loss, but she'd turned away and wasn't listening. Finally someone else's phone rang, and they didn't answer it.

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