
202709: Wow I'm stressed

Okay, dreams, or what I remember of them rather:
I was at my dorm and wanted to get somewhere. Buses were not convenient. Google told me to go alley-hopping, but obviously that didn't strike me as such a good idea. Then my sister (C) showed up and also wanted to go somewhere, to shop for a present for my other sister T and she'd brought the car so I wound up driving. C had brought money and a few small chocolates on a stiff white paper thing--she called them truffles, but they weren't. There was yellow candy coating on one. C wanted to buy a present for T, for their birthday (aren't you getting the months a bit confused?). So we drove off together--suddenly from my home driveway, by the way. T came as well.
We wound up driving to somewhere we shouldn't have driven, kind of an alley-slash-dead-end. I knocked over a cone in the process. Getting out of there was impossibly easy. We had to drive past a handful of scary-looking people on the way out. Somehow I left T behind in the process, and when she got back to us, the truffles and C's money were gone. But then we drove somewhere more likely. We peered at a sign down a staircase to see what stores the basement contained. Before we could find the right one, I woke up.

I know why it was C first...

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