
102909 I think Ginny was involved again..

Earliest snippet: in a bookstore with friends (the St Cloud B&N, I think). I spotted The Amulet of Samarkand and recommended it to the girl I was with, but in my dream I called it The Mind of Bartimeus or something like that. (Considering that the main draw for me is his footnotes, this makes sense.) But we were apparently in a magical bookstore, and as non-magical people, we didn't belong there. So they chased us out. So we ran in a circle to avoid them, and on the way out, I bought The Mind of Bartimeus. This is kind of epic when you think about it.
Once back in the car, it turns out I was actually traveling with family. Well... family and some strange people, come to think of it. But Z. was definitely in the back seat with me. Dad handed out sandwiches and grapes from the back (fun fact: they were sandwiches made with the cheese and lunch meat I have now; also, I have grapes right now), though I worried my grapes would get warm before I had a chance to eat them. It was quite sunny and summery out. Turns out I had reason to worry (...not that it's really a significant worry...) because we got out of the car at one point and did something that I have forgotten. When we got back in, my grapes were warm and squished because we'd folded the back seats down. (Why? I'm sorry I haven't a clue.) There was a toll booth involved. I mean that we went through one. It's not related to the grapes or the seat as far as I remember. Also, my family had created a game of sorts involving leaning in clock directions (like towards six o'clock, etc.) when seeing certain things outside. We drove through a field and played it.
The last section of my dream is ironically the least clear. It was some kind of sci-fi dungeon crawl sort of game. Like to the extent that I actually tried thinking with portals at some point. I think. And we were trying to save a girl. Possibly Ginny. The details are hazy. In the last room, there was a floor like the ones in Brawl--I could go through it. There was even a decal of some sort on a section that made me go through it. When I thought I'd solved the puzzle in the room (involving arrows of some sort), the floor stopped being... transcendable? Not a word and not what I mean. :P Oh well. I couldn't go through it anymore, which means I was trapped in the room. The two long-sleeved shirts I had with me--one was my black and gray shirt that I got from TY, the other might've been my Totoro sweatshirt--disappeared, leaving me in the light purple tank top I wore to yoga last night. When the second one was taken, there was a noise below and when I looked I saw it being taken away. Then I went to this hole in the floor (not big enough to get through) which provided a view of a hallway. The maybe-Ginny that we were trying to save was walking with the Big Bad and plotting something, but I got her attention--reversing gravity in that hallway somehow in the process--but before I could see what she would do, I realized I was dreaming and waking up, so the dream stopped.

It's just occurred to me that I had another dream that I remember. I was at Electrolux. And waiting to get transferred to working at that library. LOLBRAIN. I asked someone around if library work payed any better (real life reaction: ha! ha! ha!), and he said no. I suppose my brain was trying to figure out why I would be transferring. Dear brain, 1) It's been like half a semester 2) Because Electrolux isn't in Pittsburgh and hey, doesn't provide work study either...

Finally, let us give thanks to the Lord for He is good. As tongue-in-cheek as that sounds, the sentiment is sincere but framed in a cliche. We were unable to have writing class yesterday because the professor gave a talk at a different campus and didn't make it back as quickly as he'd thought he would. So the classes are being moved back, and the stories, instead of being due next Wednesday, are due the following Monday. Praise be to God. (Again, really.)
(And while we're saying mildly blasphemous-sounding things, I saw Jesus described as a Deadpan Snarker on TV Tropes yesterday, and it was AWESOME.)

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