

I have no practical skills. Why can't I, for once, start off a job by being totally on top of things and being all "shikkari" and making a good impression? Huh?

This crap-tastic mood calls for some serious emotional detox. I am either going back to that "cute couple pictures" thread on court-records.net, fixing up and solidifying this picture of Godot and Maya (...I HAVE NO EXCUSE. I DON'T KNOW WHY IT HAPPENED. IT'S NOT A COUPLE.), or writing one of the two fanfiction blurbs I have in mind. ...Second option is slightly less likely, because I just realized I made Godot's shoulders too broad. I should have known it was too good to be true. A perfect picture? It doesn't happen. Not to me at least.

...Pssh. Go cry, emo kid.

Edit later: Mood fix'd. For various reasons. Picture fix'd as well. Tomorrow's gonna be awful, but for tonight I'll listen to this on repeat:

Godot = best PW kyara EVAR. Period. End of story.

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