
...a;ldsio fuewipvn a;sdoivewproiawj;efioasdjc;asiodf

That last post, by the way, was received from ping and was supposed to be sent to twitter (tt) and facebook (fb) but clearly that failed. Too lazy to delete it from here, I'll let it stand.
Godot is, after all, being particularly obnoxious in this case.
...And if it was so dark that they couldn't see each other, then she knew to write that name, how? I saw you comprehend. That was why you spazzed when you were told that it was written there.
For the love of coffee, get something clear, stupid. :gonk:

In other news it looks like he's not actually being channelled... at least not in the way I'm thinking...

But I didn't come here to say any of that.

I went to the bookstore today. LABB was there.

They call him "Rue Ryuzaki."
I checked the one part.
She was all like, "Wait.

Perhaps a logical continuation of that thought would be, "R.R.? Now, what do those initials HAVE TO DO WITH SADF,A;DSOIOAU ANYTHING?"
I'm really sorry, but I didn't think to check the end, the explanation. Moushi wake arimasen... I was just too angry at them to remember. ("I have no excuse. My excuse was..." Pleh. Well, Rishid has done it before, I think.)
But also. Well one thing that really ticked me off--and this was a really cursory examination... I think I spent more time with it on my lap, fighting off the emotion of having it just absolutely not be "mine" anymore (...ouch. Really, just ouch. And to have it so awfully... ouch.) than actually looking through it. One thing that really ticked me off (continuing the sentece that I started with...) was that they chose not to translate the word for "straw doll." ...Why, exactly...? There's no reason to leave it in Japanese... And for goodness' sake, you then italicize it, not Capitalize Each Word. Hello? Is there a brain in that head of yours, sir?

Other annoying things... Well, the fact that Misora said, "I thought it was crap at first too" re: capoeira... come on, she doesn't say "crap." And she CERTAINLY doesn't say it IN -MASU FORM while SPEAKING TO L. I mean honestly. Come on! Have some sense of... I don't know! Just plain have some sense! They also put a summary in the inside cover... the white cover, I mean. I dunno, that just seems sort of... tacky to me. I mean, it's supposed to be so shiro and pyuaa. (White and pure... why it's in Japanese, I'm not sure.)
EDIT: Okay, I take back what I said about the "crap" thing. It was that one kanji I couldn't find anywhere, the one that looked like "lie" but isn't. Though I shouldn't, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that it has some sort of vulgar meaning.

Other observations that serve only to prove that I'm too attached to that book: I noticed immediately that it was thicker, and I also noticed.... that the "grain" of the paper on the white portion of the cover was smaller. Yes, I give you permission to "WTH" at that. I mean, I practically did. xD
Oh, and I still have the problem that whenever I first see the English, I spaz and go, "IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE RIGHT-TO-LEFTA;V KNAWRPEJ" which I really should try to calm down. XD; It's a novel. It doesn't need to be right-to-left and in fact would be ridiculous if it were.

So that was a fun thing. Equally fun is the fact that I just discovered that this person also translated Boogiepop, so I'm having a bit of a loyalty crisis here. (As in, "Can I still read those?")
But after that, we went to GameStop, where Z. and I got Apollo Justice because it was a used copy for $5 less. AND THEN I SAW THE MASTER QUEST DISK AND I WAS LIKE ZOMG I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THAT so as soon as I finish Trials & Tribs (...I just thought of tribbles...) I'll be PLAYING OCARINA OF TIME OMG. [/spaz] So that made my afternoon a wee bit happier. Certainly happier than I was as I left the bookstore.

Oh yes, and I graduated...! as you see. And yesterday was R.B.'s grad party, which was fun. I accidentally fell asleep right before I was going to get ready, though. Oops. o.o

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