

Umm. I dreamt that we kids were at home, debating going to Bucca di Bepo's (BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY OF THOSE AROUND HERE) since apparently were suddenly incapable of feeding ourselves. And then Mom arrived home and I reminded her that I was leaving for Japan next week. Didn't you know that.
I commented that it didn't feel real. Well, you don't say...

I was working on a story of some sort (Soul Brigade-ish?) with my brother, at a computer lab. I switched computers with him because I wanted to try out the Intuos tablet connected to one of them. But I had to sign out the pen. Then I was back in the Teachers' Resource library, shelving things off the clock.

I also dreamt I was walking down the street with LM and AM, and they pushed me off to the side for some privacy.


070810 Active brain last night...

Though I can only get snippets of some.

Sitting at a crowded table with extended family. Eating? Playing a game? Not sure.

Taking summer courses--enough to have a full week, a full semester's worth. I kept forgetting what time my classes were. At one point, I went down into a classroom (=our basement) where the class had just let out. I was relieved that it had just let out because otherwise I'd look like a weird creeper. Then I asked the professor if he'd ever heard the piano talking when he wasn't using it, realizing that asking so made me a weird creeper. (Maybe it was like the alien sounds the X-Box makes?) I have the same roommates, but the room is very open and brightly lit by the sun.

I was male and being arrested for domestic abuse. I had a gun in my car, which was unlocked. Then, some other random guy comes up and hits the cop with his own gun (yes, hits--not shoots), and I stay where I am, screaming for help (for the police officer...). This is a sunny day in a dry place in the city.

Watching the end of an anime. Black☆Star and a mystery character hug. Mystery character disappears, Black☆Star becomes a toddler. Toddler runs over green field; Maka, watching, sees that Soul is asleep and smiles sweetly. Something about the sight makes me tear up. (This dream brought to you by the fact that FMA ends today!!)

I call CG and tell her I need something, then forget to pick it up from her when she comes to my house (which doesn't look like my house). We talk with her and her dad for a while. One of us kids needs to get a second job. I'm about to tell Mom that it can't be me, since I'm working full-time AND attending summer classes, when I remember that the summer classes were a dream. :| Then I wonder if I should take a summer class, an equivalent to that Fiction and the Autobiographical Impulse or whatever it's called. I try to sign up.


070710 No, brain... no.

Brain. We just dreamt about this. And seventeen is DEFINITELY not going to be in an American bookstore anytime soon, I promise. I know I ordered it, but there really is almost a month left before I'll get it. Soooo back off, okay?
Once I figured out that it was too soon to get the volume itself, I "realized" that I was just looking to confirm the cover art. There're still five days until that, brain...

On that note, happy Tanabata!


070610 Ack.

Dang it, dang it, dang it. Another dream about the arrival of 17. This time, I didn't figure out it was a dream (despite checking! Brain! Two fails in a row!!). I think for a minute I knew I was imagining it, but then I forgot. Anyway, I don't remember much except that it was dealing with the Kid Rescue Mission and Marie was going along which meant that Stein was a well. ;~; Here's to hoping.


070510 Ummm...

I dreamt I was one of the kids going to stop Medusa from reviving the Kishin?
The scene was completely different. I was going down a staircase (the Cathedral's?) to get to the basement, and I saw Stein at one point and he told me which floor I was headed to, so I went there. (Brain!! What are you doing!! Stein!! Was right there!! Ugh!! Stupid world-saving priorities.) There was a staff member there who said that students with a certain... major, I suppose? would need to have special qualifications to get in, but since I wasn't that major, it was all good! |D
So I went in there, and it looked more like... the lava area near the end of Super Mario Sunshine. Medusa was standing... on a table... drinking something... I hopped from table to table and kicked the glass out of her hands. I remember it shattering. But eventually the Kishin woke up anyway. So we... escaped with it? o_O And then it turned out that it was some sort of weird DBZ-SE fanfiction because somehow the Kishin was Vegeta or something.

Ladies and gentlemen, my brain.