

I feel icky.
First I feel that I should bring this to your attention: http://www.unowen.net/tegaki/dblog.php?u=17592&e=311359

Offer not exclusive to Tegaki. If you want that cold, it's yours! Please, feel free to take it off my hands. Err... nose.

Right now I should be writing an essay for Lectures in Literature but my brain feels mushy and it's hard to force myself to be logical when my brain feels mushy. Anyway I've got tomorrow to do it... right? Even if I can't possibly skip anime club and CAKE and Portal. If there will be cake. Oh I could always ditch programming though, and it would make NO DIFFERENCE... maybe. Or I could go and just not program anything because I've already finished the assignment due Thursday which will probably, given the pacing FAIL of that class, wind up being due NEXT Thursday instead. *BABBLES*

On Saturday there was a connnn forty minutes away. It was small. And pretty thoroughly unimpressive. But I got to Caramelldansen in a large group (which made me dizzy) and play Still Alive on Rock Band...! Which was spectacular. Other than that... the worst part of the con was definitely without a doubt the three-second glimpse I had of a 300-lb closet Mello cosplay. I felt like I was going to be sick. I wish I was kidding. -shrivels-
Me: *trying hard not to look* Please tell me that was not supposed to be a Mello cosplay.
Littlejohn-san: As much as I would like to, I unfortunately cannot, because I am sworn to honesty.
Me: *shudders horribly*
^WTH weirdest objection EVER
^^Inability to call Japanese class friends by their first name WIN

Oh but there was a nice steampunk man there, who I actually got to talk to a little because apparently Littlejohn-san knew him--fairly certain she knows everything--and he sang a song called "Skullcrusher Mountain"--a Jonathan Coultan song. I need to take initiative to listen to more of his stuff soon, because it's flipping funny. -babble babble babble- In other news, my inability to talk to cosplays I like has been CONFIRMED. Apparently I would much rather stare at them out of the corner of my eye when they're not looking. This is where a comment about how I'll never get to meet any Diego cosplayers would go if it weren't for the fact that I haven't actually seen any Diego cosplayers that really look like Mattsun-sama's version of Diego to me. :/
College is going well. I've got my paper due Wednesday of course and I turned in my short story in FW last Tuesday, but other than that my classes have been completely devoid of MAJOR EVENTs. By which I mean exams. I have not taken any exams yet. Quizzes yes, lots of quizzes in Japanese and Lectures in Lit, but no exams. Is this a result of having nearly all humanities classes?
WOOT if so... though I feel odd, everyone's like, "zomg midterms" and I'm like "am I missing something here??" :payne:


1 comment:

Ryan said...

What? I've had TWO exams already:
Calculus: Not bad, but didn't have those "smart feelings afterwards."
Physics: That exam pwned me. Badly. *bawls* WHAT DID I EVER DO TO OFFEND YOU, NEWTON?!?

So...yeah. Glad to hear Pitt's working out alright. At least you found like-minded friends with similar interests. I, alas, am still searching...