
Things that only make sense in my head.

So today I found out why Jindal has never expressed any sort of love for Sirinka to me. Turns out he's not in love with her! o.o See, here's what happened.
When he met her, he found her interesting. Dawdon met her at the same time because he kind of shadows Jindal constantly. xD; So they hung out together a bit, and Jindal got kind of interested in her, but at the same time... DAWDON DID TOO! GASP!! So Jindal eventually picks up on that, and at the same time his romantic interest faded. But Dawdon wouldn't go after someone that Jindal once liked... Also, since Dawdon's main "bad" trait before the abrupt relocation was that he used people to his own ends; consequently, he's been reduced to someone who can barely ever act on his own desires. In any case... Jindal realizes this about him, and he stays close to Sirinka so that Dawdon will also be close to her. How sweet.. <3


Soh-Yeon Lee said...

XDD nice story.
it makes sense only if i try to not make sense out of it. XDD
nice job!

Soh-Yeon Lee said...

yeah, i actually thought about you when i wrote it, but i didn't mean you. and you know you're not, so that all it matters. in fact, i was talking writers in general, i would've been calling myself one as well.
i'm not writing in script format. i'm doing it in a word document.
it's not really autobiographical.. my ideas will be based on it, but the things that happen inside will be something totally different, but relative enough to symbolize the things that happened to me... i'll be on this for a while.. haha
i'm trying to create a film with what i write, but what are you planning to do with your stories??

Soh-Yeon Lee said...

oh thanks! haha i'll try the script format.

i heard the about the authors, the latter dude is the one who wrote the red wall series, i believe...
that's really cool. haha i would totally read it. i can't wait!

i'm planning on directing it myself.
i actually plan out my story as i visually imagine every part.
so far, writing is the hardest part. haha

Soh-Yeon Lee said...

wow yes, i feel bluntly stupid for saying something as if i knew.. xD;;

but then no, i don't know him, but i will definitely check it out someday.

and yes, exactly my point. haha
i'm extremely picky and bossy so i don't think i will ever let anyone get away with my work. haha