

I did! Hurray!
Granted, I'm not sure I like the last ten thousand words, but now that that scene's in there I don't think I can take them out... oh well.
I'm actually nowhere near the end of my novel, though--there's something I still want to include and they have to travel for a day or two to get there. So that's one thing on my list of things to do now that I've reached 50k.
Other things:
a) Give Jindal some attention, the poor dear.
b) Work on Blood-Red Sun. I've been having more ideas for it recently (when I should have been brainstorming my novel)
c) Start dealing with college stuff again. (This should probably be first on my list.)
d) Design and draw a picture for a Christmas card. This is highly tentative.

...My brain hurts.

I'll try to grab a fictionpress account and toss the story up on there sometime soon.


Dahnhaes said...


Dahnhaes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Totally awesome. I read you NaNo excerpt, it was funny. I've been lurking on the forums, and I'll sign up next year, maybe... Anyways, I noticed because you're in St. Cloud, and I'm in Milaca. And, yeah... *shuts up* Grats on winning!

WallofIllusion said...

Dan--I was so confused by your second comment that was deleted--when it said "post has been removed by author" I assumed it meant me and I was like , "Who the heck is hacking into my blog?" but then I got it. XD

Magni Zeal--Thanks! -has no idea where Milaca is, being new to St. Cloud, but assumes it's an awesome place- You should totally sign up! Unfortunately just as I reached the 50k mark, I also reached the "this sucks my writing sucks I suck" stage, so I don't know if I'll ever manage to finish my novel. I'm glad you liked the excerpt, though--that scene was deliciously fun to write.

Sya said...

I'm late yet again, but congrats on reaching 50k!