
Did you miss me?

I am now eighteen, there was only one passage on the listening part of the Japanese SAT II that killed my brain, and I am currently sitting pretty at 11330 words, about three hundred words away from being ahead of Wednesday. Life is good.

My novel is pretty full of nonsense. And an inordinate number of inside or just plain self-referential jokes. I'm trying to quell that--I mean seriously, maybe there might be NaNoers who would find the idea interesting, but if it's only about you!--but I'm having a hard time of it. Oh well... the point is to write, not to write well...
When I tell people, they ask me, "How many pages have you written so far?" How the taco should I know? "I'm on so-and-so words," I'll tell them, but it only occurred to me to check pages today... twenty-five, if you're curious. But I mean why would that even matter. 11k words; that's what matters.

Oh, I got a sewing machine.


Dahnhaes said...

i kno this is late, but happy bday. did u have a sweet party? friggin tell me these things lol. Im not sure, but am i ur only poster? I guess that makes me... YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN!

WallofIllusion said...

Thanks! I haven't had a party yet. And I haven't told anyone really. o.o Most of my life this month has been focused on NaNo so far. (Really. It occurred to me mid-Friday that I should perhaps spend just a little time thinking about the SATs I took Saturday.)

Regarding your other comment: well, this isn't a chapter so much as a part of a short story (or something). It's just a section that I was writing until I ran out of things to say. And Dawdon's personality is still rather vague--besides, Jindal didn't know a whole lot about Dawdon at that point, so he can't really be more specific...