
021610 Anticipation is makin' me wait~

So I remember two parts of my dream.
I dreamt that I went down to Game Stop to get my copy of Ace Investigations, which I can pick up today in the PM (that's what the text message said), but in my dream it wasn't PM yet ;;. So then I went home and read A Conspiracy of Kings, which was... not very good ;;. But only in my brain of course. I had the colors of the cover right, but for some reason it was the top half of Sophos's face showing, not the bottom. He was a total bishounen. Very girly looking (lovely eyelashes), but a pretty girl... fffff April.



I only remember what I was dreaming right before I woke up. I was in some kind of class (a writing one? But it was in Thaw 208) and we were given an assignment to work on in groups. For some reason I decided to make mine a pre-a/16 Medusa.Stein interaction. To write, we went down to this area where there were sheep. And outside, beyond an emergency exit door, there was an octopus on the lawn. Yes, an octopus... Eventually I sat down with Lai-san and Sarah Gruba and talked about my story idea. Sarah Gruba pointed out that I should be careful because they definitely must have interacted at one point before then, and I said I knew--for example, re: Soul's surgery (isn't that shiny? Just look how shiny that is), and by this time I was shouting over the alarm from the emergency door, because someone had gone out through it... Oh, wait, I realized, that's actually MY alarm...


020810 Snow day~

So what does my brain go and do? It goes and conjures up the Japanese class that I'm not having today. With a Sensei who was apparently new and didn't get the "no English" rule. (Hey, it's just like Ban-sensei......) It was a different room--a bigger one. And then eventually I left.
Wound up on a bus. There were people causing problems. We had luggage... the problems wound up solved, and out of annoyance I wouldn't let the people causing problems down the aisle to get off the bus. Oh, and also for some reason I had Susan's horn from the Chronicles of Narnia.



I've let this lag for a little while... Sorry about that.
Last night--or rather, this morning, shortly before I woke up--I dreamt it was shortly before spring break. Martell-san came over to watch a movie or something and I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was 2 in the afternoon the next day. Next day being when I was supposed to leave. So I run around in a complete panic trying to get things together and then I try to call my parents to tell them I won't be ready. (Since they're, you know, coming to pick me up.) But my phone's doing something really weird... it won't make proper phone calls, and it keeps playing a video of some sort. I'm forced to take out the battery to make it stop doing that. Then my alarm went off.