
Things I should do today

Arranged first in the order they occur to me, then in order of importance.

Answer survey for Short stories in context
Look at questions for SSC
Look over next CC (...yeah, right...)
Decide what I want to write my film essay about, possibly make outline?
Beat up monsters on Ultimate until something, somewhere drops a friggin shadow matter or dark matter
Beat up whatever drops the shadow/dark matter ad ability-to-buy-scarletite
Make another attempt on the Hip Snake pig's life... (So yesterday I suddenly understood why it's called PORK CITY. You call this a utopia?! Suddenly I don't want to get bitten on the top floor....)
Draw a decent picture, plz
Read next linguistics chapter
Read the stuff for Japanese Tales of the Supernatural
Finish filling out rue21 app and turn it in

1. Survey for SSC
2. Questions for SSC
2 1/2. (oops) rue21 app
3. Film essay
4. CC <---but this isn't going to happen
5. JToS
6. Linguistics
7. Decent picture, plz. (We could check if Vera loves me today... sigh.)
8. Shadow/Dark Matter hunt
9. And gathering
10. Hip Snake piggy
11. Righty Cat... Where on Earth am I gonna get one? What dropped the Brainy, anyway? It was a drop, wasn't it? Oh shoot. Wasn't it a piggy? And the Lefty was purchased. ...I need to make friends with the Pegaso-shop people... As my wallet gently weeps...

(No but I absolutely LOVE the woman, the shopkeeper for Bel Airplane I believe it is? "Are these children... customers?" "Where are their parents?" And you buy something and she's like, "What? How??")

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