

Wikipedia's article on cleft lip and cleft palate:
In some countries cleft lip or palate deformities are considered reasons (either generally tolerated or officially sanctioned) to perform abortion beyond the legal fetal age limit, even though the fetus is not in jeopardy of life or limb. Some human rights activists contend this practice of "cosmetic murder" amounts to eugenics. A British clergywoman, Joanna Jepson, who suffered from a congenital jaw deformity herself (not a cleft lip or palate as is sometimes reported), has started legal action to stop the practice in the UK as reported by CNN[16] and the BBC.[17] Note that in the UK, an abortion could never be justified under the 1967 Abortion Act on the basis that a cleft lip and palate is not considered a serious handicap.
You don't understand.
This is ALARMING for me. This is saying, "In some countries, you could have been aborted."
That Joanna Jepson person... the case she worked on, the doctors who performed the abortion weren't charged because it was believed that they acted "in good faith," and "A spokesperson for the pro-choice group Abortion Rights stated that they welcomed the decision. Cleft palate can lead to severe disability and the doctors are believed to have acted on those grounds."

I am sorry, but WHAT. THE. HELL.
In the freaking UK! It is NOT going to lead to severe disability in the freaking UK! Maybe in like Africa, yeah, it could lead to some problems where they don't have easy access to surgery, but... in the UK!

Honestly, I've been thinking recently about whether or not I want to have a child. I have a 1/14 chance of giving birth to a cleft lip/ cleft palate baby. One in FOURTEEN. That's... unreal. Furthermore, if I do decide to live in Japan, I've heard the school system there is atrocious. All memorization, very little actual knowledge involved... I dunno, I've just seen anti-Japanophiles blast it on their Gaia profiles. So if I move to Japan, I wouldn't want to put a kid through that...

These are just random thoughts.

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