
My camera's plugged in right now

So I suppose I might as well post some pictures.
Not that I've actually taken any of, you know, school and stuff.
Before an orientation thing, I was bored and had a pen but no paper, so I drew Kaminogi-san on my arm:

Obviously it looked less blurry in real life. But this is why I always need a reasonable way to entertain myself, because without a reasonable way to entertain myself, I can still keep myself entertained, it's just there won't be any sanity involved.

And here's a picture of myself today:
You'll notice I have 1/2 of Dahlia's hairstyle.
I'm trying to draw her realistically right now, so I needed to see how the braids worked out. The way they're drawn in the sprites doesn't make sense. You can't have braids come from a point like that, not at the roots. So I snapped a few pictures of the roots to help me shade... hopefully it will actually help. XP
Anyway, why am I trying to draw Dahlia in the first place? Oh, geez, I have no idea. Because I've never seen a picture of her that makes me stop and say, "Wow, that's breathtakingly beautiful," even though she's supposed to be breathtakingly beautiful...
Not that I'll be able to achieve that, but I'm gonna try.
It's going fairly well so far, other than the braids issue, and her dress. Ugh. I'm having trouble getting the triangle-y top to look right. For the sake of lazy I left her parasol and scarf out. It's basically her profile square except it extends a little farther down.

I'm supposed to be doing homework right now.

I should still be doing homework right now. Maa, I'll have time later.
I don't think I'll feel like translating these all out, actually, so... Yeah. Some of my answers might be in Japanese, too.
SPOILERS for all of T&T. (Really. -A-)
Also, I'm not entirely sure all of this is... appropriate.

1 あなたの名前を教えてください
Diego Armando.
Mia Fey.

2 年齢は?
D. 33.
M. 27...? When I died, that is. I've been dead two years.

D. Are you always so blunt about it?
M. Is there any reason to beat around the bush?

3 性別は?
D. Male.
M. Female.

4 貴方の性格は?
D. Arrogant but charming, right, Kitten?
M. No comment. I suppose I'm... determined and kind?

5 相手の性格は?
M. It's strange... Diego says he finally figured out that he was the arrogant one. But all he had to do was ask me, I would have told him right away.
D. Ouch, Kitten. What happened to "no comment"?
M. I was waiting for the opportune moment.
D. Ha...! Didn't wait too long, did you? I was going to say you were honest and strong, but I think I'll add "impatient" to the list.
M. What, and rob me of the chance to tell the world how kind you really are once you get past the teasing? It won't be a very convincing statement if all you ever do is tease.

6 二人の出会いはいつ?どこで?
D. July 2011, at the good old G-L-O, right?
M. My first day, and I had to deal with you. It's a wonder I didn't quit.

7 相手の第一印象は?
D. Not gonna lie, Kitten, my first impression of you was definitely that you were one hot woman.
M. Considering the way you acted that day, if you'd lied I wouldn't believe you. I thought you were a total flirt.
D. Ha...! In the end, I suppose we were both right, weren't we, Kitten?

8 相手のどんなところが好き?
D. She's sweet and dedicated to the truth. ...And, she's one hot woman.
M. No matter what act he puts on, he really cares about people, honestly, from the bottom of his heart.
D. Hush, Kitten, you'll ruin my image and make me blush.
M. I thought red didn't exist in your world?

9 相手のどんなところが嫌い?
M. He flirts too much. He sometimes makes sexist remarks. And he still tends to be full of himself.
D. ...Ouch. No need to hesitate at all or anything, Mia.
M. These only annoy me a little bit. (laughing)

D. On the other hand, there's not really anything I don't like about my Kitten. ...Other than the fact that she's dead, and that's not her fault.

10 貴方と相手の相性はいいと思う?
M. ...Aaah, I wonder.
D. I don't know if our personalities are actually 'compatible' so much as we're simply 'together.'
M. And of course I'm dead, which does make a difference.
D. Yeah, that does put a damper on certain things.

11 相手のことを何て呼んでる?
D. "Mia" or "Kitten."
M. "Diego."
D. Come to think of it, you never really seemed to like the whole "Godot" thing.
M. ..........
D. Not that I blame you. That was a little... dramatic, even for me.
M. Diego is Diego. I don't know any "Godot."

12 相手に何て呼ばれたい?
D. Ha...! How about *censored*?
M. (without missing a beat) Not in public, Diego.

13 相手を動物に例えたら何?
M. (laughs) Do you want me to go first so you have some time to think of something, Diego?
D. (smirking) You'd better, Kitten, I don't know if I can come up with something so quickly.
M. Hmmm... let's see. Diego is... a lion.
D. That's all? Not going to say why?
M. Oh I think you know why.
D. My turn already, then. (pause) ...Nope, I've got nothing, Kitten.

14 相手にプレゼントをあげるとしたら何をあげる?
D. No offense, Mia, but it's kinda hard to shop for a ghost.
M. Shopping as a ghost isn't the simplest task, either.
15 プレゼントをもらうとしたら何がほしい?
D. At this point, just being able to see you is the best present I can receive.
M. I feel the same way. And I appreciate your caring for Maya.
D. ...Don't we sound like a pair of corny, tragic lovers.
M. Oh yes, we blow Romeo and Juliet right out of the water, when you think about it.

16 相手に対して不満はある?それはどんなこと?
D. Again... that you're dead. ...Sorry to keep harping on the fact.
M. No need to apologize. It's not like I could forget it.
D. ......
M. .......
D. Isn't it your turn?
M. I'm completely satisfied with you the way you are.

17 貴方の癖って何?
D. Drinking coffee. Speaking incomprehensibly.
M. I don't think I have any bad habits, actually...

18 相手の癖って何?
M. What he said. Those are my thoughts exactly.
D. I don't know if it counts as a habit, but her old tendency to lose confidence in herself. ...She's over that now, though, right, Kitten?
M. おかげで。

19 相手のすること(癖など)でされて嫌なことは?
D. Nothing in particular.
M. No, nothing I can think of either.

20 貴方のすること(癖など)で相手が怒ることは何?
D. ...。Didn't we just establish there was nothing?
M. We did. Next question.

21 二人はどこまでの関係?
D. Ha...!
M. *flips bangs*

22 二人の初デートはどこ?
D. Mia's apartment, right after her first trial.
M. ...That was a date?
D. Sure, why not?
M. I think you're using the term a little loosely.

23 その時の二人の雰囲気は?
M. I was heartbroken, and Diego was trying to help me.
D. Though perhaps a little more... forcefully than I should have.

24 その時どこまで進んだ?
D. I seem to remember being hit on the head with a bag of frozen burgers.
M. If you "seem" to remember, then perhaps Maya hit you harder than I thought.

25 よく行くデートスポットは?
M. It's Diego, where do you think? I had no idea there were so many cafes in this city.
D. Ha...! And I only take you to the good ones. Trust me, there are a bunch of bad ones, too.
M. Why would one city need so many coffee shops?
D. It's coffee, Kitten. You don't question it.

26 相手の誕生日。どう演出する?
M. I'm sure Maya will channel me for your birthday, Diego.
D. Ha...! And what about for yours?
M. It's not like I'm getting any older on my birthday anymore. ...Maybe she'll channel me on my death-day?
D. ..........。Do you mind, Kitten? I don't like thinking about that day.
M. Sorry.


27 告白はどちらから?
D. Oh I said it first. And Kitten didn't believe me.
M. I-it's your own fault! You flirt all the time anyway. I wasn't going to assume you were serious, not when you just blurted it out like that!
D. Ah, how we hurt others in our foolish pride.
M. I don't want to hear that coming from you, dearest.

28 相手のことを、どれくらい好き?
D. It's impossible to express without being completely sappy. And Mia knows how much I love her already, so I'm not going to bother.
M. Same here.

29 では、愛してる?
D. Absolutely. I love you, Mia.
M. I love you, too, Diego. And I always will, no matter what happens to either of us.

30 言われると弱い相手の一言は?
D. Ha...! She may not look it, but this girl can talk dirty like you wouldn't believe.
M. Diego, you are blowing my cover entirely.
D. I am? I seem to remember you fliriting with a dirty old man to get some information for Trite...
M. Oh, I can't believe Maya called me for that. ...As for Diego, he almost always talks dirty, so what really gets me is when he's completely sincere.

31 相手に浮気の疑惑が! どうする?
M. I'm dead. Diego's allowed to see whoever he likes, now.
D. Don't be ridiculous. I'll never love anyone else, Mia.
M. I won't either. The question of "cheating" is kind of moot at this point, I think.
32 浮気を許せる?
M. Of course I could forgive it. Like I said, I'm dead. If he falls in love with someone else--...hm.
D. Not so comfortable with the idea?
M. I suppose not.
D. It doesn't matter. Like I said, I'll never love another.

33 相手がデートに1時間遅れた! どうする?
D. If Mia didn't show up on time... I'd wonder if Maya had forgotten.
M. She does tend to be a bit scatterbrained. ...On the other hand, if Diego was an hour late, I would worry that a doctor's appointment was going later than expected, so I'd get very worried.
D. Is that really something to worry about? ...The end result would be good for the two of us.
M. Don't say that. You still have life left in you.

34 相手の身体の一部で一番好きなのはどこ?
D. Your eyes. ...I love them.
M. I love... oh, goodness. Every part of you.
D. The question asks for one part, Kitten.
M. Then... everything that you hide under that mask. Your eyes, your scar... You hid "Diego" under that mask, and now that I get to see that again... It gives me chills every time.
D. Ha...! I'm still not sure that counts as one part, but you get points for being poetic.
35 相手の色っぽい仕種ってどんなの?
M. That smile. I swear you could charm anyone with that smile.
D. (smiles)
M. o///o
D. Ha...! As for what Mia can do... that's my secret.

v Finish later
36 二人でいてドキっとするのはどんな時?

37 相手に嘘をつける? 嘘はうまい?

38 何をしている時が一番幸せ?

39 ケンカをしたことがある?

40 どんなケンカをするの?

41 どうやって仲直りするの?

42 生まれ変わっても恋人になりたい?

43 「愛されているなぁ」と感じるのはどんな時?

44 「もしかして愛されていないんじゃ・・・」と感じるのはどんな時?

45 貴方の愛の表現方法はどんなの?

46 もし死ぬなら相手より先がいい? 後がいい?

47 二人の間に隠し事はある?

48 貴方のコンプレックスは何?

49 二人の仲は周りの人に公認? 極秘?

50 二人の愛は永遠だと思う?


Snuffles said...

If you use the macro setting on the camera it lets you take pictures of close up things :0 Like on your arm. (it's a little thing that looks like a flower)

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